14. Maniac

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Her small snores were the only sound that could be heard in the dark and quiet lounge. She was drifted in her wonderland as her sleeping form wasn't aware of two empty and soulless pits staring at her.

Deadly and expressionless.

Empty and blank.

No emotions swirling in them.

Rather the most primitive and sacred emotion of love had died within the owner of those eyes years ago and all that was left were two void and deep orbs.

Deeper than the deepest sea.

Darker than the darkest night.

But they were focused on her angelic face as if he was a moth and she, the fire. A weird tranquillity appeared in those eyes for a second on seeing her laying there and it was gone as soon as it came. The sudden swirl of emotions got locked as the coldness masked the eyes again.

Placing the glass of beer that he had on the table, he stood up and moved further towards her. Kneeling down, his face came parallel to hers as now his eyes could have a complete view of her.


The first word that came in his mind.

Or Treacherous?

The devil in his mind whispered.

Innocent. A voice in him spoke

Or Venomous?

Another voice countered it.


Or Corrupted?


Or Deceitful?


Or malicious?

A deep breath was heard as he closed his eyes for a second.

Under the light of moon, his eyes opened again, moving slowly up, revealing the grey emeralds that shone brightly under the light as he focused his orbs on her face again.

Tilting his head, his hand moved up and traced her eyebrow. Sole focus of his grey eyes, just her face. Sleeping face. Angelic face.

A whisper escaped his lips that got lost into the silent atmosphere, "I want you,"

His voice dark. Deep. Grave.

Holding promises.

Her fate was sealed. That very moment.

Standing up, he walked away from her disappearing into the darkness when her eyes opened and a deep breath broke out through her lips.

She was dead.

So dead.


Grabbing her chin, he moved her head up.

"How have you been?" He asked her, despite knowing it.

Her lips shivered as she went cold with terror on seeing him paying her a visit again.

When her reply didn't reach his ears, he grabbed the knife and was about to pierce her skin with it when she spoke.

"K-ki-kill m-m-me," she uttered with great difficulty.

He smirked.

"Pl-please, t-t-take aw-away m-my l-l-lif-fe,"

Tucking a stray strand behind her ear, he muttered, "Death itself will be a gift for you. A gift. A pleasant gift,"

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