15. Paled Face

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A week has passed but Sheharzaad didn't hear of him. She kept on coming to the company but came to know that Shehryaar was not here as he had gone to his home, not in this city. She was more than happy but she had to complete certain tasks before his return. She wanted to work but not with him and since he was not here, she felt more free and independent and this was the best time to put her plan in action on which she has been working.

Hannan had came to the office and she met him. She was shook to the core on seeing him injured and beaten. Upon asking, he told her a group of goons has beaten him.

She figured it out whose craft it was. One and only, Shehryaar, only because Hanna tried to be close to Sheharzaad.

He told her he was still in the search of a customer for her house. Within a few days, most probably, he would find one and get it sold.

She had a breath of relief atlast. Things were going as she wanted.


"I know who you are," Sheharzaad told the girl.

"What do you mean by that?" she faked ignorance.

"I know what you're up to,"

Right now they both were talking in a secluded area so no one could hear their conversation.

"What are you saying Ms. Sheharzaad?

"I heard you talking on your phone the other day," Sheharzaad announced and the expressions on the girls' face changed from ignorance to acceptance.

"You don't mess with FBI," she tried to threaten.

"Don't worry I'm not. I'm ready to help you,"

She frowned thinking it was a trap, "You came to know about me. The mission has failed so no need for help anymore. It would continue in some other way,"

"No, no, no wait. I know you are trying to collect proofs to work against Shehryaar. The businesses he runs under the name of this company. I too don't have any evidences yet but I assure you, your speculations regarding him are true and I will help you in that. You know I'm his assistant,"

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"I want to help you,"


"Because if I'll help you only then I'll be able to help myself. You don't know him. He is... a very dangerous man. Very dangerous. He literally killed a person in front of me in cold blood with zero regrets. He..... gets what he wants. He does what he wants. Somebody needs to stop him before it gets too late. I can't fight him alone or I don't know what he would do with me,"

"Wait, wait, wait, he killed whom?"

"A man named Shigri. They were talking about some minister that Shigri had killed on the orders of someone else. That minister was vital to Shehryaar and considering it betrayal, Shehryaar killed him,"

Her eyes widened as she digested the information.

"Do you trust me now?" Sheharzaad asked.

"Fine I trust you. So will you help us in gathering evidences against him?"

Suddenly, a worried look came over her face as she began to think, should she do that or not? Should she spy him? What if she gets caught?

The thought of getting caught by him had her worried so she closed her eyes.

"I'm scared," she admitted, "very scared. I want to help you but you don't know him," she opened her eyes again.

"Don't be worried, Sheharzaad. The agency would protect you,"

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