7. One Night Stand

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"May I come in," she asked, nervousness was evident in her voice.

"You already came in, Ms. Sheharzaad," he said with a smile, "what brings you here?" he asked and pointed towards the chair for her to sit.

A ghost of smile was apparent on his lips.

Sheharzaad sat on the seat just infront his table and fiddled with her fingers out of nervousness.

"Speak," he commanded.

She looked up and then down towards the table. She was feeling utterly anxious.

"I don't know how you will take it as," she started.

"Don't beat about the bush," his tone clipped.

She looked up at him and gathered the courage. After the last meeting she had with him she was afraid of him. Often at nights his words that he had whispered near her ears would play in her mind like a tape making her sleepless..

"Sir, I am in a dire need of loan. Its very important, my friends life is at stake. I assure you I'll try my best to return the loan asap." She breathlessly said it all. Her eyes were filled with hope and expectations. He was her last hope.

Shehryaar kept on looking at her. His intense eyes peering directly in hers. His gaze was stern that was making her feel dreadful. For a moment, she thought it was a wrong decision to come here but she needed to do. She had to take this step or she would regret it her whole life.

"How much?"

"Three...three million,"

"And since when you have been working here?" he cocked his brow at her.

"Three weeks, sir," She looked down. He was right. It's not even more than three weeks and she was already demanding for a loan and that too 3 million at a time.

"You want the amount by when?" he asked making the hope rekindle in her eyes.

"Within a week,"

He gave a pensive look to her as if contemplating his next step. He poked his tongue against his cheek, while looking at her and inhaled making his chest rise up. It gave him the look as if he was in control of everything and she was at his mercy.

"Miss Sheharzaad," he said, while standing up from his chair causing her to instantly stand up.

"Yes sir," she replied, her voice troublesome yet had that tinge of confidence, which she never lost no matter what.

He walked towards the other side of the table and sat on the chair parallel to her.

"Keep sitting, please." He said, more like a gentleman and she sat down. She tightly held her hands together. A life could be saved by his single yes.

"Sir please," she pleaded.

"I agree. You can have the loan,"

"Really?" She asked, not able to believe him.

"Yes, really" he replied, slightly nodding his head.

"Thank you so much, sir. I will try my bet to retur-"

"But I have a condition," he cut in.

"I agree to your every condition sir," she replied with a little smile of hope and relief on her face. For her friend's treatment she can go to every length. Every length.

"Think before you speak, Miss Sheharzaad." he stated, conveying the hidden message through his eyes, which she couldn't grasp.

"I trust you with it,"

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