13. Alone again

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She had been so nervous while sitting next to him that whatever he was explaining her went out of her mind. And now she sat infront the laptop screen, not able to understand what to do. The work he had given her was non theoretical and a bit technical. You needed to understand first in order to carry out what you would be doing.

On and on her hands would fix her hair, then she would move her fingers on her forehead trying to recall what he had been saying. But the only picture that came in her mind was his grey eyes. Out of fear, she wasn't even looking up. Almost fifteen minutes have passed and she had done nothing.

She was constantly tapping her foot against the floor and rubbing her hands together out of impatience and nervousness. She felt like sitting in some exam hall and the deadly invigilator was sitting just infront and all the while she just had to act that she knows what she has been doing. Just like now.

All the while Sheharzaad had been passing him an impression that her brain, body and soul was actually invested in work she has been given. Whenever a certain feeling would succumb her that a pair of eyes was gawking at her, instantly she would began to type something as if too busy even to look up. Or make a pensive face as if thinking hard about something.

He was awfully quiet but his presence alone was nerve-wracking. Neither could she find it in herself to ask him about her doubts. That was a big no. The only things that was brewing in her heart was to somehow run away from here. And first thing she so wanted to do was to treat her tongue because it was hurting. She needed to apply some gel or something on it that would alleviate the burning sensation.

"Show me what've done," He suddenly said, that had her eyes bulging out as she looked up at him and found his eyes on his laptop screen.

Tongue tied she couldn't muster up any answer.

He glanced up at her for a second before moving his eyes back on whatever task he was doing while she hoped he could understand her predicament by the look on her face.

"I'm working on it,"

"Show me what you've done," This time around he closed the lid of his laptop and subjected her to his full attention. She panicked.

"I'm working..."

"Bring it," he ordered, flicking his fingers.

She didn't want to embarrass herself by showing her work to him. If he would come to know that she had done this much in whole twenty minutes then he won't spare her.

And she wanted to be spared.

"Please.... sir I'm working. I'll-'ll show you when I'm done,"

He frowned, "you're not gonna listen to me?"

"No, no. I will," Came her abrupt response with her heart skipping a beat.

"Then?" he cocked his brow.

"Please, I'm still working. I'll show you when I'm done,"

His eyes narrowed, "you're one stubborn piece Sheharzaad, aren't you?" he stood up from his chair and was about to move towards her when the door burst open making his eyes snap at the door and his hand instinctively moving towards the gun, he had in his holster.

But it came as a surprise to him as he relaxed, upon finding who was standing there


"Assalam alaikum," Dua, his sister approached him and gave him a small hug.

"Did you come alone?" he asked, as soon as she detached. Dua knew how protective her brother was of her.

"No Haseeb and Alizeh came too,"

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