Chapter 13

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Fu's POV

I had just finished my training session with Master Plo Koon, feeling a sense of satisfaction and progress. He was a remarkable teacher, and I admired his wisdom and guidance. As I caught my breath and wiped the sweat from my brow, a strange sensation washed over me, like a ripple in the Force.

Fu: Naruto.

I could feel him, not with my physical senses, but through a connection that seemed to transcend distance and logic. It was as though the Force itself had forged a link between us, binding our emotions and presence together. It was an unusual and unexpected experience, but I had learned to trust in the mysteries of the Force.

What troubled me was the pain I sensed emanating from Naruto's presence. It was a deep and profound agony that resonated within me, making my heart ache in sympathy. I glanced around the training grounds, searching for any sign of Naruto, but there was no one nearby, and the area appeared deserted.

I realized that this connection might be related to my status as the Nanabi jinchuriki, the host of the Seven-Tails. The ancient beast's chakra within me was a powerful force, and perhaps it had formed a unique bond with Naruto through the Force. I couldn't ignore his suffering; it felt too genuine, too urgent.

I ran as fast as I could through the corridors of the Jedi Temple, a deep sense of unease gnawing at me. I had just finished my training session with Master Plo Koon, who had become a sort of wise and fatherly figure to me. But now, a different feeling tugged at my senses.

I felt it through the Force—a distressing wave of pain and sorrow emanating from Naruto. We were connected in some way, perhaps because I was the host of the Nanabi, the Seven-Tails. It was a unique bond that I was still trying to understand.

Without a second thought, I used shunshin to move swiftly, arriving at Naruto's quarters within moments. I knocked on his door urgently, but there was no response. Still, I could sense his presence inside.

I couldn't just leave him alone when he was clearly in pain. I decided to enter, and the door slid open soundlessly to reveal a dimly lit room with the windows tightly shut. There, I saw Naruto on the floor and in his bed, but something was drastically different about him.

I approached him cautiously, calling out his name. He didn't react, and when I asked again, all he managed to murmur was a plea for me to leave him be.

But I couldn't do that. I knelt down beside him, my voice soft and filled with concern as I urged him to look at me. Slowly, he turned his gaze toward me, and my heart sank at the sight that met my eyes.

His once-vibrant, cerulean eyes were now dull and lifeless, marked by dried tear stains on his cheeks. It was a stark contrast to the lively Naruto I had come to know. I couldn't help but worry deeply. Placing a gentle hand on the side of his face, I looked into his eyes, my concern growing as I implored him to tell me what had happened.

Fu: "Naruto"

I said softly, my voice filled with compassion and care,

Fu: "please, tell me what happened. You don't have to go through this alone."

I heard Naruto's voice tremble as he shared the shocking revelation he had uncovered. He spoke of Tsunade and Jiraiya, how they were not just his godparents but his biological grandparents—his father Minato's parents. The story was one of abandonment, betrayal, and heartache.

Tsunade, the old woman, and Jiraiya, the perverted writer, had a drunken one-night stand that resulted in Minato's birth. Tsunade had given up her child to an orphanage and never told Minato the truth. Jiraiya had carried the secret with him to his grave, never acknowledging his grandchild. Naruto felt the weight of their irresponsibility, the cruelty of their actions. They had abandoned him, treated him like a tool, and never fulfilled their responsibilities as his family.

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