Chapter 10

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Tayuya's POV:

I emerged from the cave, the weight of my experiences and the newfound Kyber crystal in my hand filling me with a sense of purpose. As I stepped into the daylight, I could see Anakin and Obi-Wan waiting for me. Their expressions were a mix of concern and curiosity.

Anakin: (worried) Tayuya, are you alright? What happened in there?

Obi-Wan's gaze, however, fell upon my outstretched hand. His eyes widened with amazement as he recognized the Kyber crystal resting in my palm.

Obi-Wan: (astonished) A Kyber crystal... Tayuya, where did you find this?

I nodded, a faint smile touching my lips as I showed them the crystal. It shimmered with an inner light, a reflection of the balance I had found within myself.

Tayuya: I found it in the cave. It was... part of my trial.

Anakin's concern deepened, and he moved closer, examining the crystal.

Anakin: (curious) Your trial? What do you mean?

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of my words. I knew I had to be honest with them.

Tayuya: Inside the cave, I confronted my past, my darkness. I realized that it's a part of me, but it doesn't have to define me. I chose not to give in to it.

Obi-Wan: (impressed) Tayuya, that's a remarkable revelation. Facing one's darkness is a crucial step on the path of a Jedi.

I nodded, feeling a sense of validation from Obi-Wan's words. But I also knew that my journey was far from over. The darkness within me was still there, lurking, and I had to remain vigilant.

Tayuya: (reflective) I passed the trial, but I'm aware that the darkness is still a part of me. It's a constant battle, but I'm determined to stay on the path of balance.

Anakin and Obi-Wan exchanged glances, a silent acknowledgment of the challenges that lay ahead for me. But I could also see pride in their eyes, pride in the Jedi I was becoming.

Anakin: (supportive) We're here for you, Tayuya. You're not alone on this journey.

Obi-Wan: (encouraging) And remember, the Force is always with you, guiding your steps.

With their words of support and the Kyber crystal as a tangible reminder of my triumph, I knew that I had a newfound strength within me. Together with my friends and mentors, I would continue to embrace the light and darkness within, striving to find my own unique balance on the path of a Jedi.

They returned to the shuttle, where a sense of serenity filled the air. Master Windu was now meditating, his powerful presence radiating a calm that had been absent before. Shaak-Ti stood nearby, engrossed in conversation with Fū, their voices carrying a soothing tone.

As I approached Master Windu, I could sense the difference in him. The poison from Sasori's attack had finally left his system, and he seemed revitalized. I waited quietly for him to finish his meditation, not wanting to disturb the moment of peace he had found.

When he eventually opened his eyes and looked at me, there was a subtle shift in his expression—an acknowledgment of my presence.

Tayuya: Master Windu, I have to tell you what happened in the cave.

Master Windu nodded, his gaze focused on me. He was known for his wisdom and keen insight, and I knew he would understand the significance of what had transpired.

Tayuya: I faced a trial, one that brought me face to face with my darkness. I found a Kyber crystal inside the cave. It's a symbol of my journey, of balance.

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