Chapter 6

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3rd POV

    Master Windu state at the hostage padawans, looking back to the two Akatsuki. Kakazu is curious of the Jedi, doesn't know about it but he can think fast to know. He stares at the Jedi clothes and weapon. He already puzzle it.

Hidan: *points his scythe at them* Who the fuck are you weirdos. Are here to be sacrifice to lord Jashin?!

     Obi-Wan raise eyebrow at Hidan comments.

Obi-Wan: I'm afraid to refuse your kind offer.

Kakazu: Hidan shut up. These people are those brats teachers.

     Shaak-Ti was a bit surprised of Kakazu quick thinking.

Kakazu: If those brats was able to give us trouble, guessing they are more skill than them.

    He looks at Shaak-Ti looking at her appearance. He can tell she's isn't a summon or experiment of a Jutsu.

Kakazu: You aren't human nor a summoning.

Hidan: Does it matter?

Kakazu: Actually it does matter. Because the brown hair brat over there tried to control my mind, not to forget they can push object with invisible force if they can do that can they. I almost fall for his mind control so basically only strong will mind can fight it off.

Hidan: *angry anime face* What the fuck are you trying to say!!!

      Kakazu looks at Hidan with out giving a damn.

Kakazu: That your easy to manipulate.

       Hidan eye widen white plate and screaming like maniac.

Hidan: Who the fuck do you think you are Huh, calling me retard you green eye zombie fucker!!! I will sacrifice you and everybody to lord Jashin!!!

     The four Jedi stare at the zombie duo, Obi-Wan anime sweat drop looking at the two.

Obi-Wan: I'm not sure how to react from this.

Windu: Keep on your guard up.

     He looks at the padawans injured with bruise and scars. Looking back at the two Akatsuki he can tell their dangerous.

Windu: Is obviously they are dangerous. We cannot let our guard down for a second. 

Shaak-Ti: He is correct Master Kenobi. What Naruto told me, we can't underestimate them.

Thodd Krota looks at Hidan, seeing his neck. It threads sewed up around it. He was theorizing was he was decapitated.

Krota: It appears that had his head cut of earlier, even can see the lightsaber burn mark.

Windu noticed it, glaring at the two. Hidan laughs when he heard Krota comment.

Hidan: Yes, because that yellow little shit stain over cut it off. But I still live, I'm Hidan the Immortal and servant of Lord Jashin! And here is also another immortal like.

They were shock to find out that those two are immortal.

Kakazu: For the last time I'm not immortal I just found a way preserve my life longer.

Hidan: Same shit.

Naruto looks at Tayuya, she noticed him making a expression with his lips, confusing her. He pointed at the two Akatsuki and back to his lips, suddenly she realized what he was saying, she nods at him. Naruto nod back, looking at the Master he use in his best ability to send mental message to the Master, connecting to force he was able to relay the message.

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