3: An old friend

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The room spun as Hiko got up from the chair she woke up in. The rope used to tie her up had fallen to the ground and the ducktape on her mouth now lay on the chair.

Hiko rubbed her pained mouth a little before she turned to the door.
On a table lay a knife and Hiko grabbed it tightly.

Whoever had the idea to kidnap her, Hiko would show them to not underestimate the child of a hero.
Opening the door, Hiko looked into a spacious area.
People sat around, chatted, smiled or played around.

With a frown, Hiko looked at the area. The way these people were a lot of kids, their run down clothes, need for a shower...
Hiko realised where she was and almost dropped her knife.
She shouldn't be here! She shouldn't be in a villain hide out, much less this specific one!

The door opened quickly as someone rushed in. Finding Hiko behind the door they paused.

For a long moment, Hiko looked up at Hikari. He had grown rather tall the last time she had seen him, while Hiko stayed a bit smaller.

Hiko quickly stepped back when she saw someone behind him. That person tried to get in, but Hikari quickly pushed them back before shielding Hiko with an arm, "You're not actually going to try that!" Hikari said as if pressing a previously discussed matter.

Decided she shouldn't be left in the dark, Hiko quickly spoke up, "Trying what?"

Hikari didn't answer as he glared at the other person who glared right back.
Looking at the person, Hiko found it was a person only slightly older than Hiko and Hikari. Her red hair was tied back with a blue ribbon, making Hiko wonder who exactly this was. Having time for something like brushing your hair meant you weren't constantly thinking of survival.

"Step. Aside." The girl said harshly, her glare deepening.

As Hikari seemed to hesitate, he glanced at Hiko.
This gave the girl the chance to push him aside.

Hiko stepped back, her leg brushing the chair she woke up in as the girl walked towards her.
As Hiko's wing was clutched, she let out a 'hey!' But the girl ignored her and inspected the white feathers.

"No difference," The girl mumbled in frustration.

"I told you," Hikari pushed the girl away and lowered his voice, "You can't just cut off someone's wings and expect them to still have a working quirk."

Overhearing, Hiko paused, "Wait what?"
First of, that didn't make sense, and second... just a question mark.

Before Hikari could explain, the girl walked around him and glared at Hiko. "We need a healing quirk," she said as if it were Hiko's problem.

"So?" Hiko mumbled as she glared back, "I'm not a tool to be used."

"Then give us your wings." The girl said but Hikari stepped between the two.

"Stop this pointless arguing!" Hikari pressed his hands against his temples.

Hiko looked at him curiously for an explanation while the other girl opened her mouth in protest.

Suddenly the floor underneath the girl disappeared and Hiko and Hikari were left alone.

"I'm so sorry," Hikari started off as he turned to Hiko with a tired head, "I tried to protest, but they took you here, and I convinced them to not first try and then see— I couldn't have them just harm you— but then again—"

"Hikari," Hiko spoke up, interrupting the rambling, "I'm not mad. I didn't get injured. If you don't want this place to get discovered by heroes though, let me get home."

As Hiko got a troubled look, she knew that there was more.

"I can't let you leave. The boarder, I mean some people who now run this place, they don't want you to."

Hiko thought as she looked away.
"Alright then..." Hiko's wings shifted slightly as she looked at the door, "Distract them, or look away for a moment so I can escape myself."

Hikari shook his head quickly, "You don't get it, they won't let you leave."
As Hiko rolled her eyes and took a step to the door impatiently, Hikari held her back.
"They won't just hurt you, Hiko."

Looking up at Hikari, Hiko glared, "Then who's going to ease my worried father's heart?"

As Hikari stared in her eyes for a moment he finally sighed, "I'll try and convince them your not needed, or something."

Hiko managed a smile, "Good. When can I leave—"

"Not so quick." Hikari tapped a finger on Hiko's head, "We need to plan this out."

As Hiko nodded, the two thought for a moment before constructing a plan.

"It's easy." Hiko nodded.

"Yeah, we can do this." Hikari agreed.

In the back of their heads, they both knew they were overconfident.
There was no way this was going to go smoothly.

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