The Arrival . (ch#1)

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*Welcome to Saudi Arabian Airlines . All passengers are requested to fasten their seat belts and switch off all electronics , we will be taking off in 8 minutes and will land in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 14 hours . We hope you enjoy your flight *


Subject:I have jetlag.

Dearest Melly ,

No ........My dearest Melly ,

I'm sorry I didn't call you before getting on the plane but now I'm on the plane and about to land in about 8 hours and to be honest I can't wrap my head around the fact that we will most probably not meet for atleast 6 months and also the fact that I'm leaving Manhattan . I'll call you as soon as I land.Give my love to Ryan and tell him to wait for atleast 6 months before getting a new girlfriend.

Bye ,

Love , Annie.XX


I woke up to my mum calling my name . my lovely mum who insists on calling me by my real name , Anita Rai .

"Anita ! Anita ! wake up."

And so I did , the plane's interior hazy around me . I rubbed my eyes hoping I was still in Manhattan . Home. But nope , I wasn't. I was in a plane that had taken me 10,512 Kms away from my home. The flight attendant announced that we were now in Saudi Arabia and my conscious told me I was on a one way ride to my doom.We left Manhattan 8 days after dad's death . Mum thought there was no point living there with no one to call our own so we flew 10,512 Kms to Saudi Arabia where my dad's brother lived. My dad's lovely brother who for my liking was a bit too "lovely".


"Hurry up , love . Your uncle must be waiting for us on the other side" , Mum said to me while picking up the last of the baggages.

And , he was. He was right there on the other side , waiting for us with those arms that were a bit too long for his body spread wide open.

"You haven't changed one bit , kid ", he said to me.

Neither have you, you old slimy bucket of worms , I thought to myself.Mum hugged him and then looked at me as if she expected me to do the same. I rolled my eyes.It took us an hour to get to his apartment in Riyadh. He assured us that it was very "American".The security guard Hafiz , helped us take our luggage to the 18th floor , once we were inside the apartment to my relief there were 3 bedrooms . Even the thought if having to share one with that rot of an uncle made my conscious puke.I couldn't wait to e-mail Melly.

"Let's have dinner and go to bed ? Annie's got school tomorrow and after that I could show you around ", whizzed the uncle.

"that'd be great , love", said mum.

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