The First Day .(ch#2)

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( Hiiiiiii. I figured you guys liked this chapter the most so don't forget to read the others...TRUST me there's so much more to Annie's story.And also don't forget to follow me and vote. thanks ,enjoy!)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Subject:I didn't sleep after that last dream.

So , just when I thought I was over the fact that my own dad's brother had tried getting all "lovely" with me when I was 8 , I had a dream..........more like a vision. I'm not sure if I will be able to breadth with him in the same house knowing he's been eyeing me.He said I had "grown up too be a very "lovely" 16 year old."CHRISTSAVEME.How's Manhattan?.And no I don't mind the fact that you and Ryan hooked up .I'm happy for you two.

Love ,Annie.XX

Actually ,I did mind. Ryan had been the only guy I had ever really loved and who had loved me back . Or so I thought. I would never have imagined him having a thing for Melly. Eventhough he did always insist on hanging out with us , when I had thought he wanted to spend time with me.I had almost cried whem mum broke the news to me . Not the dad dying news but the "we're going to live in Saudi Arabia with your uncle" news.I was born in Manhattan and it had become my life.It was easy for mum to leave. Not me.It was hard enough losing dad but losing Ryan and then losing him to my best friend.I was convinced that I was gonna grow old and be alone with like 36 cats.

The first day of school was a big shock to me. I was going to a"normal"American school with "normal" American kids where I would once again be a "normal" kid and do things that "normal" kids did.That was the problem.I wasn't "normal".It was hard enough coming from America to live in Saudi but being an Indian coming from America and living in Saudi was the cherry on top.

"STUDENTS ,WE HAVE A NEW FRIEND JOINING US TODAY , HER NAME IS ANITA", Mrs.Flowers ,the dean had had an accident to which she lost her hearing and apparently her abililty to talk as if her hair was not on fire.

"Be nice " .Mum had said to me.

"Ummm........It's acutally Annie......You could call me Annie", I said loud enough to make her yell "YOU COULD STAB MY GRANNY ????".

" NAME IS ANNIE",I managed to coax my vocal chords.

"TAKE A SEAT , ANNIE..........KIDS BE NICE",she left and I stood there wondering why she was reffering to 16 year olds as "kids".

I don't know what I expected but it was "normal"-----------to some extent.

There were girls ,there were guys.There were Saudi girls and Saudi guys...There were others as well others like my self.There was a girl who looked almost Japanese but she spoke in a heavy arabic accent and there was a guy who at first I thought looked like he might wanna use the loo but then I realised he was sat too close to the window and the sun was in his face.I took a seat next to the Japanese girl.Lunch was a bit more tricky.And you know what did look like a very normal highschool .From where I stood I could see the table where the hot chicks sat , the table where the science freakes sat ,the jocks ,the artists ,the" we can't control our hormones" kids ,the "we're too cool to eat " girls ," the "we just ate our house but are still hungry" get the idea.

And then I saw him.Alright ,I'll be honest , I was never the kind to fall for hot guys who were dickheads but honestly all hot guys were dickheads ad maybe I was being a bit too superficial.....but he was hot...and i was convinced that he was a dickhead.I sat down on the table that was closest to his to you know......get a proper look.He sat with a couple of his friends who were hot too but he had something else.He caught me staring at him and I instantly touched my mouth to make sure I wasn't drooling.I looked away.And to my surprise he didn't. He just stared ,the kind of stare that made you feel like three year old.I was suddenly so concsious of my hair that was a bit too brown and my nose that I thought was a bit too small. And you know what , he kept staring.And I the idiot couldn't help but smile awkwardly at my salad .I almost choked when he got up and started walking towards me.

"Hey", he said in a weird saudi/ american accent , a weird saudi/american hot accent.

"Ummmmmm.....Hi", I said.


"Your that new girl ........Annie?" , he asked.

"yup.....that would be me.."

"I'm Rian....", he put his hand forward.



"So I heard......You have an american accent Annie"

"I'm from Manhattan"

"Cool.......My mom's from Ontario , is today your first day?"

"second.....we arrived last night"

"where do you live"

"Ummmm........Al -Khareef?"I said ,I'm not sure i'll ever be able to pronounce that name.

To my surprise he laughed.

"Your cute", says the hottie.

"Wanna go out sometime after school?.....My friend salim...he's throwing a could join.

"Aren't we not suppose to do know..."

"No one's telling...but it's up to you".He left.

Mum gave me money to take a taxi and come back home.I had begged her not to let my "lovely" uncle have to pick me up.It was all new to me.I had to keep my "residence permit" and have my Abaya on , which quite frankly made me feel like an assasin ninja, you'd only be able to see my eyes.So I called myself a taxi.That day I went home and pretty much just thought of how I had ended up there. It was all so much to take....I missed Manhattan and most of all I missed Ryan.But he had someone , I wasn't really sure if I should Still be good with Melly or not. I mean she did steal my man but then it's not like we had a chance anyway.But I still missed him.

21st February , 2012

"Don't leave......I don't want you to leave" , he said.

"Mum's not gonna let me stay here..that too alone"

"Your not alone...I'm with you"

"Yes....of course you are Ryan.....your here with me and a job that you will most probably lose in the next 2 months."

"Have a little faith , I didn't lose you in two months , did I ," he winked.

"Well now you will in 8 days ," i winked back.

He threw a pillow at my head and then pulled me back to bed.

"I lohh Uuuoo," he said into my neck.I pulled away and sat straight so that now we were facing eachother.

"I'm scared."

"Me too."

2nd March , 2012

Mum's at work and so is my uncle.And I'm in bed with Shirly the cat and my pink PJs.Can't wait for the next day of school and not to mention hell.

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