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I was going back home when I saw her . A girl , lying on the road with her abaya on top as if it were a blanket. I almost ran her over.I got out of my car and knelt next to her.She was unconscious , she looked hurt ,somehow I could tell.And wait , I knew her.It was.....what was her name----Annie! Annie from the party.She walked in with Rian .Of course she did , that asshole . It was cold so I picked her up and took her in my car.I drove her home with me and lay her on my bed. She really was hurt --there were bite marks all across her neck and further below.fuck.She was hurt very bad.I would deal with Rian later ,right now I had to call the doctor.

He said she was hurt ,but it wasn't major , asked me to apply ointment to her marks . He said she'd been attacked , he asked me how I knew her.fuck."err......she's my sister ," I said.

"Show me your residence permit."

"Look ,your job here is done , I'd like you to leave."

He left muttering something in arabic about youngsters and respect.

I sat down next to her on the bed as I applied that ointment . I remember her coming in with Rian , everyone had suddenly lost all interest in what they were doing. Of course , the minute she walked in I knew there was something different about her. She was the only girl wearing a skirt at the party with her hair open.The girls had looked at her as if she were some insect , the guys----I knew what they were thinking.She seemed nervous but I could tell she was a lot more than she gave off. Girls like that usually didn't last a day here ,but I strangely hoped she would.

She started to move as I applied that ointment.She looked hurt and even in the darkness of the room , I could tell she was pretty.I brushed a strand of hair off her face , she really was pretty.


"Hey? Hey , wake up," I shook her.She woke up looking very confused , I gave her some water and waited for her to say something.She dropped it all over , but I didn't blame her I gave her a towel but she was too weak .

"WHO ARE YOU?" , she screamed.I turned around.fuck, i thought she wasn't well.

"what happened ? " I tried to sound as not scary as I could.

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHY AM I HERE ? WHERE AM I ?" she sounded so scared.Oh no ,she was crying.

"Relax , it's me. Sam?" I said to her , hoping she would remember me .Nope , no one remembers the nice guy.

She was really crying now.

"It's alright . Relax , we met at the party , relax .You'll be fine," I said holding her.


Woah....."Okay , touching , sure......just ...relax ,alright."

I sat down next to her ,and she kept crying . She was scared I could see that , she had gone red.She finally stopped and unconsciously I was smiling. " You'll be fine now," I said to her handing over a tissue.

"Where am I ," she said.

"At my house , You were .....err....not well , so I got you here.But there's nothing to worry about , I called a doctor . You'll be fine now," I told her.

"I have to go home."

"Alright , tell me where you live ."

She sat next to me in the car , with a blanket wrapped around her to stay warm.I was right , she really was something else.I had started to worry about her just the tiniest bit , but I knew where things like this led.She seemed to be so naive and innocent. No wonder she ended up like this ,but it wasn't exactly her fault.I could feel her suddenly tense.

"You alright?"

"Yeah .....I just......remembered something ," she said almost to herself .

"You know what .....take it easy....take the day off tomorrow , relax.You'll most probably be fine in a couple of days ---


Wow......okay maybe not so scared and innocent.

"It's alright , I understand.I know your scared but just relax , okay?" , I said to her ,and by now I was a bit scared of her.

I stopped the car under a big building with at least 18 floors. I tried helping her out but I think she'd had enough.We walked through the doors and into the elevator.

Her mom opened the door.

"ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!" , she shrieked as soon as she saw her.I could tell she had been worried.Her daughter had been missing till 5 in the morning in Saudi Arabia.Of course she was worried.


"I'm.....I'm alright mum,I'm fine , " she said looking very annoyed.


"Mum, I said I'm alright," she said as she barged into her room.


She was gone.

There was a man there , tall with a round belly and arms slightely too long for his entire body.And then they both simoultaneously turned to look at me.fuckkkk.I was a bit too scared to say anything , I had just brought there missing daughter back early in the morning in a horrible condition . How obvious could it be.

But it wasn't and I explained it to them.I told them the whole story , her mom started to cry and the man just stood there holding her.I took it as a sign for me to leave and so I did.


I lay in bed that night and thought of her.She looked nervous when she entered the room but really she had something.I have no idea why I was thinking of her , she was most probably gonna run back to America . Maybe for the better.I had no time to be getting into shit like this.

But a part of me strangely hoped for something ,I don't even know what.

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