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Life was repetitive.

Always the same!

Nothing ever changed.

The same


And again!


you would wake up in an empty house, you didn't care where your mother was, she was probably at her alcoholic boyfriends.

You would stare, stood in the kitchen for a few seconds, hunger crawling up your skin.

But you didn't eat, you couldn't, there was no food. Your mum only stocked the fridge every few months.

Get a job? You couldn't, you was too scared to talk to adults, random people.

What if you made a mistake! It would be too embarassing, you'd rather starve.

Then you would go to school.

After cleaning your self up and doing your hair of course.

You would arrive early, stand by your self, looking down, waiting for your first lesson just to start,

Only to wish it was over just as fast.

Then it would be break, you would wish it was over too.

Then another class.

Then and other class.

Then lunch.

Then another class

And another class.

Then you would walk home, lose consciousness a couple times.

The hunger finally eating at you.

Then you would be at home, sit and watch anime.




The next day it was he the same thing again.

And again

And again

And again

And again

And again

And again

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You was not the smartest person in the world, you had trouble understanding certain things, like the concept of making friends, it troubled you, so when your teacher said "You need to join a club" it wrecked you.

You stared at the floor as your teachers worlds registered in your head.

"I've let you go without one for ages, in 5 months you will be in your third year... I've took into consideration why you have found it hard to get into one, but it is important, you was in a club last year, the only reason you're not still in the art club is because it had to be disbanded" your teacher spoke as you gulped.

"I was your home room teacher last year! And this year, so I know you, I know how bad social anxiety is, that's why I have put it into my own hands to put you in a club myself"

Your eyes widened as you stared at her, "but" you started but was interrupted "no buts, you will join the music club"

"Yes mam" you said as she rushed you away to your class.

Walking down the hallways you was distracted by horrible thoughts, anxiety eating you away, opening the door to your classroom you bumped into someone.

"My bad y/n" rindou said as he walked past you, you slightly bowed as you walked further into the classroom.

Rindou haitani, he had been in your class last year too, he had an older brother just a year older then the both of you, you didn't know much about them, other then the fact rindou was mean.

He was often asked out by the girls, a grim expression would form on his face and he would shrug his shoulders and just walk away.

According to your upper class-men, you had overhead them saying that his brother had once said rindou was a nice person, when you got the know him.

But you didn't quite know, you haven't really spoke to him, like yourself he tended to be quiet, not for your reasons though, he didn't have social anxiety, he just didn't bother putting up with people, people also didn't want to talk to him as he gave off the wrong impression.

Sitting down in your chair you sighed as your home room teacher walked in, ignoring rindous absence she started her lesson.


Walking down the hallway a tear of salt pushed it away down your forehead.

'Knock knock'

This was it, you was at your knew club, what if you said something wrong? They would hate you, the rest of your high school experience would be ruined.

"Hallo" came a gentle voice as a black haired boy opened the door, he had a mix of different eyes, his left eye being silver and his right being red.

He had a scar just higher than his silver eye. You recognised him, he was a first year.

"Hi, I'm your new club member"

Was what you meant to say, buuuut....

"Hi, am the member knew of club" you smiled as you mentally screamed at yourself.

The boy only laughed, "I'm Kakucho hitto, you?"

"Y/n l/n" you smiled as he welcomed you inside.

You thought you would come face to face with loads of musical instruments, but that was not the case.

There was no musical instruments at all.

"Sorry, I know you joined thinking we did music but the only person who actually knows how to play a music instrument is izana" Kakucho laughed as he stared at you, pointing towards a white haired boy in the corner glaring at you "we kind of use this place as our gang meeting spot! I suppose rindou has a dj set but I don't know if that counts"

"WHAT!" You shouted out loud, what the hell had your teacher got you into.

"Y/n?" The familiar voice caught your attention as you stared at rindou, whom was braiding some guys hair.

"Rindou? What are you..."

"Im in the club, guess your the knew member" he said as he wrapped the bobble around the braid he had finished, quickly working on the other.

"Hi, I'm ran haitaini" the boy who was having his hair braided smiled as he waved at you.

"You better not snitch on us" the white haired boy, that had been referred as izana spoke, his voice laced with venom as you quickly shook your head, "promise I won't"

"Hi! I'm shion!" A blonde haired boy walked up to you, grabbing your hand nervously and shaking it.

You shook his hand back, nervously.


And that was how the chaos unfolded

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