Nail polish

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"Your as sweet as sugar" Kakucho hummed as you smiled.

"You're kind" you said as a blush coated your cheeks.

Kakucho leaned down, lips nearly touching your own.

But then, just like every fanfiction, every anime, EVERY PEICE OF FICTION EVER.

the door opened.

"FUCK YOU KAKUCHO, TRYNA FUCK HER BEHIND OUR BACKS" shion shouted as he ran between you both.

"I wasn't" Kakucho lied as you blushed.

"That's shit" shion cried as he hugged you.

"She's mine you bustard" shion shouted.

"Heh?" You said aloud as he turned to you, retracting his arms from your body quickly.

"Ohhhhh, joking" shion laughed as you stood up.

"I'm going to class" you smiled as you ran out of the door.





'No way'

'He said he was joking'


"What's wrong with you?" Rindou asked as you shook your head.

"Nothing I'm fine" you said as you layed your head on your table.

"Alright then"

As class lengthen on, I began to get bored.


As you waited in the dimly lit hallways, the anticipation started to creep up on you.

Rindou had been taking an unusually long time in the toilet, leaving you alone in the eerie silence.

Just as boredom threatened to consume you, Ayumi, sauntered towards you with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

The air grew heavy with tension as Ayumi closed in, her presence intimidating.

A sly grin played on her lips as she began to taunt and tease, her words cutting through the stillness.

You tried your best to ignore her, hoping she would lose interest and move on.

But Ayumi was relentless, her words growing more spiteful with each passing second.

You felt your heart sink as her relentless bullying continued to chip away at your confidence.

As the confrontation escalated to a boiling point, the tension between you and Ayumi became palpable.

The surrounding students, who had been mere bystanders until now, took notice of the commotion, their gazes fixed on the unfolding spectacle. The hallways seemed to hold its breath, waiting for a resolution.

Just when it seemed like the confrontation would escalate into a full-blown fight, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Rindou, finally emerging from the confines of the restroom.

His presence commanded attention as they assessed the situation, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and curiosity.

"What the fucks your problem with her?" Rindou shouted at ayumi.

"She's annoying and-"

"You're annoying" rindou spat.

"What the fucks happening?" Shion asked as he had overhead rindou shouting.

"This bitch won't leave y/n alone" rindou shouted as a familiar voice tuned in "so your the little flea that's picking on my dolly, I would have thought you had learned your lesson after I beat the shit out of your little worker bee" ran laughed as he stood next to his brother.

"She's annoying and I don't like her" ayumi argued, her voice filled with zero reason.

"Stupid response" shion shrugged his shoulders as anger boiled in ayumis veins.

"Watch your fucking back y/n" ayumi shouted as she stormed off.

"Yeah we will watch her back!" Izana said as he walked past ayumi, "we will keep anyone from finding her weak spots" izana laughed as tears brimmed in ayumi eyes as she walked away.

"What a bitch, am I right?" Ran laughed, looking at you.



"Afternoon," you greeted ran, a smile spreading across your face.

Non to your surprise, he returned the smile and motioned for you to sit next to him.

Curiosity sparked, you took a seat and couldn't help but notice the empty chairs surrounding us.

"Where is rindou" you questioned as he only shrugged, "we might be brothers, but I don't put a tracker on him y/n" ran laughed.

"Want me to do your nails?" you asked, a random thought crossing your mind.

Ran shrugged, seemingly unfazed by the unconventional suggestion.

Without hesitation, you pulled out a bottle of black nail polish from your bag and began carefully applying it to his fingernails.

As your hands moved with precision, Ran chuckled "Rindou tried to bake a cake for you yesterday," he revealed, the corners of his lips curling into a mischievous grin.

"Why?" you questioned, perplexed by the unexpected gesture.

Ran's smile widened as he explained, "For your birthday."

You were taken aback. How did Ran know your birthday? he seemed to have access to information?

"How do you know my birthday?" you asked, a tinge of unease creeping into your voice.
Ran's smirk grew wider, and his words sent shivers down your spine. "Y/n, we are a gang," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the loud beat of your heart "We have our ways."

Suddenly, the sound of your erratic heart seemed to fade into the background as your mind raced with questions.

Who was tenjiku really? What secrets did he and his gang hold? And most importantly, how did they come to know such intimate details about your life?

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