A flirt and an old friend

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As you sat at the café, savoring your favorite French fries, you couldn't help but smile as Ran and Rindou started bickering among themselves. The playful banter between the two brothers never failed to amuse you, their dynamic always filled with energy and mischief.

Ran, with his bold and confident demeanor, was quick to claim credit for choosing the café as their hangout spot. "Um no? I came up with the idea to eat at this café," he declared proudly, his head swaying from side to side as he spoke.

Rindou, on the other hand, adjusted his glasses with a thoughtful expression. "I'm pretty sure it was my suggestion," he chimed in calmly, not one to back down from a friendly argument.

Kakucho couldn't resist joining in on the fun, teasing Ran about his animated gestures. "You look gay when you do that," he chuckled mischievously, earning a laugh from both brothers.

Ran's eyes lit up with mischief as he turned towards Kakucho. "You want some too, Kakucho? I'll fight you!" he exclaimed playfully, ready for a friendly spar.

Rindou raised an eyebrow at Kakucho's comment about being gay. "What's so wrong about being gay?" he questioned curiously, challenging societal norms with his open-mindedness.

Kakucho quickly backtracked, realizing his joke may have hit a sensitive nerve. "Oh nothing, it was just a joke," he explained sheepishly, diffusing any tension that may have arisen.

The three of them continued to banter and tease each other throughout their meal.

Shion's gaze lingered on you, his eyes full of concern as he noticed your subtle frown. "You alright?" he asked softly, prompting you to meet his gaze with a reassuring smile. "Yeah, I'm good," you replied, grateful for his attentiveness.

Ran was being extremely loud, oblivious to the disapproving glances from the other patrons. You couldn't help but chuckle at ran obliviousness and gently nudged him to keep it down. "It seems the workers are giving you dirty looks," you remarked politely as he glanced over at the waitress with a mischievous grin.

"Damn she's hot," Ran muttered under his breath before standing up and sauntering over to her side, ready to turn on his charm. Rindou shook his head in disbelief while Kakucho whispered to him, "Does he really think this will work?"

"Obviously not, y/n doesn't mean jealous at all"

As you enjoyed your meal in peace, Ran returned with a sheepish grin on his face and grabbed your arm playfully. "What's up?" you inquired curiously as he chuckled, "We might need to leave. Apparently I'm a creep and we're getting kicked out." Your eyes widened in surprise at his confession.

Izana stood up with a smirk playing on his lips. "So we have to leave then? Not just might?" he teased before turning towards Ran. "I don't think you're a creep, Ran. You're very charming," you interjected with a warm smile that made Ran beam with pride.

Kakucho leaned over to Rindou and whispered slyly, "Mission succeeded...unsuccessfully." Rindou simply nodded in agreement as the group gathered their belongings and prepared to leave amidst laughter and playful banter.

As you walked out of the caré together, you followed izana as he walked infront, "where are we going?" You asked as he looked back at you, "it's meeting time so we are going to our hideout, ran timed this perfectly" izana spoke as he walked to your side.

"Obviously" ran smiled as rindou huffed, "you did not"

"Oh, I'll leave then" you politely bowed as shion grabbed your arm, "you apart if tenjiku now? So you're coming too?" He smiled as you looked at izana, "idiot" he smiled as he carried on walking.


As you walked into the old warehouse, following behind Izana, your heart raced with anticipation. The dimly lit space was filled with a sense of mystery and danger, but you felt oddly safe by Izana's side.

Your eyes scanned the room looking at all there boys wearing the same red uniform your friends wore, until they landed on a familiar face, You couldn't contain your excitement and started to run towards him, you couldn't believe you look to run into your old next door neighbour again, you wished he still lived next to you but the boy had moved away some time ago.

Happy that you could rekindle your friendship with him you started to go over to the boy, but Izana quickly grabbed your shoulder and held you back. "Don't run off," he whispered in your ear, his voice firm yet gentle.

Disappointed but obedient, you followed Izana to a large box in the corner of the warehouse. He urged you to sit down, and as you complied, Kakucho stood in front of you, clapping his hands harshly to silence the room.

"Oi, meeting started! Shut it!" Kakucho's voice boomed through the warehouse, surprising everyone with its abruptness. You watched in shock as he took on a completely different persona than the kind-hearted man you knew.

Izana pointed at you next, introducing you as someone under his protection without revealing your exact position within their gang. The members of the group all shouted their agreement and loyalty to this new arrangement.

"All you need to know is that her protection comes first," Izana declared firmly. "If she's hurt, help her and tell me. If I'm not available, contact one of my kings or Shion." The group echoed their understanding and commitment with resounding affirmations.

any guess on who our friend is?
Please leave comments! I love to read them, feel free to ask me questions to.

The answer to who your old friend is, you can see a spoiler on a text gc video I made about this fanfic on my tiktok HITTOE_

If you want me to post more videos like that on my tiktok then I will!

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