Random people

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As I stood there, my heart pounding in my chest, I couldn't help but feel a rush of nerves coursing through me. The tall man in front of me had caught me off guard with his sudden appearance, and his smooth words only added to my flustered state.

"I don't see why you are blushing, sweet cheeks! You look great," he said with a charming grin, causing my cheeks to heat up even more. I gripped my skirt tighter, feeling exposed under his intense gaze.

His eyes held a hint of mischief as he continued to compliment me, making it hard for me to focus on anything else. Was he really hitting on me? Or was I just imagining things?

I tried to gather my thoughts and muster up the courage to respond. "Oh, um thanks," I stammered out, unable to meet his gaze directly. His presence was overwhelming, and I found myself struggling to keep my composure.

He leaned in closer, his voice low and husky. "No problem pretty," he said softly, sending shivers down my spine. His proximity made it hard for me to think straight as I felt myself getting lost in his deep brown eyes.

"What's your name gorgeous?" he asked with a playful smile, making my heart flutter uncontrollably. His charm was undeniable, but I knew I had to stand my ground.

Taking a deep breath, I finally managed to speak up. "Um y/n," I replied shyly, feeling the weight of his gaze on me like a warm blanket.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl," he remarked with a smirk that made my stomach flip-flop. His confidence was both intimidating and alluring at the same time.

I struggled internally as conflicting thoughts raced through my mind. Should I tell him off if he was indeed hitting on me? Or should I give him the benefit of the doubt and see where this interaction would lead?

Before I could make up my mind, familiar voices interrupted our conversation. My heart skipped a beat as Ran and Rindou appeared out of nowhere, their teasing remarks adding another layer of embarrassment to the already awkward situation.

"Maybe I should have given you something else to wear, that's a little too revealing." My heart raced as I realized the implications of rans statement.

I glanced at Rindou, who seemed to share Ran's concern. "I told you brother, now we have lanky guys like Hanma hitting on our princess," he remarked with a hint of protectiveness in his voice. But despite their apparent worry, a smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I greeted them.

"Hey," I said cheerfully before freezing in place as Ran's confession sunk in. He had lied about Kakucho giving me this outfit. The realization made me puff out my cheeks and clutch onto the white skirt tighter.

"You look better though," Ran smirked, causing heat to rise to my cheeks. His words sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach as I struggled to find the right response. Was it embarrassment or flattery that made me blush so fiercely?

As Ran's gaze lingered on me with an intensity that made my heart skip a beat, I couldn't help but wonder if his actions were driven by more than just mischief. Maybe there was a hidden depth to his teasing that hinted at something more profound.

watching the scene unfold before me, I couldn't believe my eyes. Ran, with his devilish smirk, and Hanma, with his intimidating presence, were standing face to face in a heated exchange. The tension between them was palpable as they challenged each other.

"No way this pretty girl is with you," Hanma spoke up, his voice dripping with disbelief as he stared at Ran.

"Yes way," Ran retorted confidently, standing even closer to Hanma in defiance.

Caught off guard by their interaction and my weird angle, you looked at them and by the position you was stood in, it looked more intimate than anything else, I accidentally thought aloud, "No way, they're kissing." My words hung in the air as Shion approached from behind me, causing me to jump in surprise.

"You scared me," I exclaimed as Shion apologized for startling me.

Curious about what was happening, Izana and Kakucho joined us just in time to witness the unfolding drama. Their frowns mirrored my confusion as they took in the unexpected sight before us.

"Who is kissing" shion asked you as you pointed.

"Ran and um...I think his name is Hanma," I stammered out nervously, pointing towards the two imposing figures locked in a standoff.

Kakucho frowned as he took in your clothes, "what happened to what I gave you?" He questioned.

Amidst our shock and confusion, Rindou's laughter rang out like a bell. Ran turned to his younger brother with an exasperated expression before setting the record straight.

"First of all! No we are not! Second! Rin! Who says LMAO out loud? Third! I decided y/n needed a sexy wardrobe change," Ran declared with a mix of annoyance and sass in his tone.

Hanma looked at his phone, "It was nice talking to you sweet cheeks, but I have to leave" hanma smiled at you as he waved goodbye.

"Bye" you awkwardly bid goodbye to the boy.

"What was hanma doing here" another unknown voice spoke in, right next to your ear.

You jumped back again as another unknown boy turned up, this time right next to you.

"Think he was tryna chat my girl up, what the hell are you doing here" izana spat as he stared at the boy.

"We bumped into eachother at the dorayaki shop, izana, remember?" The boy grinned "you also asked for my help buying some y/n girl dorayakis" smiled the short boy as izana replied to him, "and who's said you could follow me Mikey? I also didn't ask for your stupid help"

"I did" the boy named 'Mikey' replied, "and yes you did, kakucho! Didn't izana say he needed help at the dorayaki shop to impress a y/n? I don't know what that is but he wanted to make it happy!"

"It wasn't a dorayaki shop" Kakucho spoke as he looked like he was losing brain cells, Mikey shrugged as he began talking "and who is this?" He pointed at you.

"That's y/n" shion replied as Mikey looked at you.

You looked back at him, taking in his full appearance.

He looked the same age as you, he had black eyes and shoulder length blonde hair, some hair gathered In a small ponytail.

But as he learnt of your name, Something in Mikey changed in mer seconds!, maybe it was his eyes? Maybe a realisation?

It was like something just clicked.

"Well it was nice meeting you Izanas girlfriend! Nice to finally meet my sister in law" Mikey grinned as he skipped away.

"Wait I'm no-" you tried to say but he already left.

hi! Sorry I rushed this, I've been very busy lately

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