School project time

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As I ran through the hallways, my heart pounded in my chest, and my breath came out in short, ragged gasps. I clutched my bag tightly to my shoulder, feeling it bounce with each hurried step. I could hear the faint sound of the bell ringing in the distance, signaling that class was about to start.

I had been so caught up in getting ready that I had forgotten my phone in the kitchen. The shrill ringtone had woken up my mother, who scolded me for being careless. "Don't leave this damn thing in the kitchen," she had yelled as I frantically called Shion back and rushed to get dressed.

I cursed myself for being so forgetful as I finally arrived outside my classroom door. I took a moment to catch my breath before pushing open the door and stepping inside. The teacher glanced up at me with a raised eyebrow, but thankfully didn't say anything about my tardiness.

I quickly made my way to an empty seat next to Rindou, who gave me a knowing look. "You barely made it," he whispered with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes at him before turning my attention to the lesson at hand. As I listened to the teacher drone on about history, my mind wandered back to the chaotic morning that had led me here.

Despite the rush and scolding from my mother, there was something exhilarating about running through the hallways and making it just in time for class. It was a small victory, but one that made me feel tired.

As the sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room, Rindou leaned in closer to you. "How come you were late?" he whispered, his voice soft and curious.

You glanced at him, a small smile playing on your lips. "I was showering and it felt so warm, lost track of time," you whispered back. His laughter filled the air, his morning voice crackling as he moved his hand to rest on his face.

"Thankfully Shion rang me, that woke my mother up," you explained. Rindou's expression turned serious as he looked at you intently. "Was she mad?" he asked with concern evident in his eyes.

You nodded in response. "She's always angry, but if anything, Shion ringing me actually helped me out," you chuckled lightly. Rindou nodded in understanding.

"The teacher would have shouted at you more I suppose," Rindou remarked, a hint of amusement lacing his words.

You nodded again, recalling the stern reprimand from your teacher earlier that morning. But now, sitting next to Rindou with the sunlight dancing across his features, everything seemed lighter and brighter.

Rindou sat next to you, his vibrant blonde and blue locks swaying as he turned to talk with you. He always paired up with you in group projects, and today was no different.

As the teacher instructed the students to get into groups of two or three for their latest assignment, Rindou looked at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "What do you think we're doing?" he asked playfully.

You shrugged nonchalantly. "It's history, so probably something about...well, history," you replied with a grin.

"We have to finish this by tomorrow morning," Rindou stated with a sigh. "I completely forgot we have him tomorrow morning too." He leaned back against his chair as you nodded in understanding.

"Want to work on it in the library after school?" You suggested. "Or maybe even in the club room?"

But before Rindou could respond, the teacher interrupted with a warning about "gang activity in the district. All students were advised to go straight home after school or work on their assignments during break or lunchtime"

"What gangs?" Rindou asked curiously.

"You forgetting that you're in one?" You whispered teasingly as he laughed.

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