Ice cream date

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Reading books to izana wasn't that bad.

It was honestly easy.

What you don't expect however, was for izana to come to your house.

"Want a snack" you questioned as izana nodded, he sat comfortably on your couch, a blanket wrapped over him.

You got up, ready to fetch him something, rummaging through your cupboards you mentally face palmed.

"Izana?" You questioned as he hummed.

"We have no snacks"

"Bloody hell"


"Take out?"

"I have no money right now"

"I'll pay y/n"

"Okay then, if you're sure"


"Eat" izana said as you looked at your food, "I'm full though"

"You didn't eat that much"

"I'm full"

Izana started to frown.

"A little bit more" Kakucho encouraged as you nodded.

Izana had asked Kakucho to come with you both.

Mainly because he forgot his money at their shared apartment.

"I'll try" you said as you began to eat again.

"See! Good girl" Kakucho encouraged as you coughed on your food.

"Oh, y/n are you okay?" Kakucho stood up suddenly as he ran to aid you.

"Stupid Kakucho, dirty boy" izana said as he gave his brother dirty look.

"What? I didn't say.. oh" Kakucho blushed as he realised what he had said.

"I'm sorry y/n I didn't mean to be or to seduce you, I would never, I mean it's not because you're not pretty! You're very pretty, I'd be lucky to go out with you! But I wasn't asking right now, wait no, I don't have a crush on you, no wait maybe a little, wait no" Kakucho stammered as your coughing started to get more intense, a mad blush coated your cheeks.

"Kakucho shut up!" Izana yelled, hitting the younger on his head "ow"


Ring, ring!

My phone blared, pulling me out of my mundane afternoon routine, which consisted of nothing but laying down.

I glanced at the screen to see Shion's name flashing before my eyes.

"Hey, Shion! What's up?" I answered, excitement tingling through my voice.

"Hey, you up for a spontaneous adventure?" Shion's voice crackled with contagious energy.
Curiosity spiked within me. Spontaneous adventures were Shion's specialty. "Sure, what's the plan?" I replied, already feeling a rush of excited.

"Well," Shion began, his words dripping with mischief, "how about we find the best spot in town for some mouth-watering ice cream?"

My eyes widened, and my mind raced with all the possible flavors, toppings, and possibilities.

Izana recently gave me some money,
"You're on!" I exclaimed, already grabbing my front door keys and heading out the door.

As I walked towards our meeting point, a sense of anticipation mixed with the aroma of freshly baked waffle cones filled the air.

I couldn't help but wonder what kind of ice cream adventure awaited us today.

Would it be a whimsical parlor with pastel-colored walls? Or perhaps a quaint little cart tucked away in a secret alley? The possibilities were endless.

Minutes turned into an eternity as my heart raced with the thrill of the unknown. Finally, I spotted Shion, standing on the corner with an impish grin plastered across their face.

They waved me over, and together, we embarked on our ice cream quest.

We weaved through bustling streets, passing the ordinary ice cream shops that everyone knew. Shion, however, seemed to have a sixth sense guiding us towards something extraordinary.

With each step, my excitement grew, my taste buds already dancing in anticipation.

Finally, we arrived at the most unassuming building, its exterior as unremarkable as the rest of the street. But something about it felt different, almost magical. Shion pushed open to the door, revealing a whimsical interior that transported me to another world.

The walls were adorned with vibrant paintings of towering sundaes, cascading fountains of chocolate, and scoops of ice cream so luscious, they seemed to defy gravity.

The air was infused with the scent of freshly churned flavors, and the sound of laughter echoed off the walls.

We approached the counter, our eyes widening at the array of flavors before us. Each one was more extraordinary than the last – from lavender honey to spicy chai latte. Shion's eyes twinkled mischievously as he whispered, "Choose wisely."

I pondered the choices, feeling a sense of adventure coursing through my veins.

The decision seemed impossible, as if the fate of my taste buds hung in the balance.

But finally, I made my choice, a flavor that promised to transport me to a world beyond imagination.

As I savored each spoonful, relishing in the explosion of flavors on my tongue, I couldn't help but wonder how Shion had discovered this hidden gem.

Was it a stroke of luck or a secret passed down through generations? I knew I had to find out.

The last bite lingered on my lips as my mind raced with questions, leaving me longing for more.

But as I turned to ask Shion the secret behind this enchanting place, he simply smiled, his eyes gleaming with secrets untold.

With a mischievous wink, Shion suggested our next spontaneous adventure, leaving me wondering what other hidden treasures awaited us.

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