~Snow Play Date~ (child!goio x child fem reader)

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Authors note
Please don't mind this is all fluff I will soon upload spicy!Content soon, I don't know where exactly gojo lived was it a village or city . This one shot follows anime.


It was a snowy day at the village. As y/n saw snow pouring down from the sky and landing gently down on the ground through her bed room window.
A exited smile creeped up to her small face.
Her one and only childhood best friend told her that when the snow will pour they will go out on a play date and have fun out in snow .

And it was the time! Y/n rushed out of her house and slided the door closed shut. All ready in her warm winter attire.
They knew their regular spot where to meet.
It was a small  playground in the village.
As y/n walked in the snow behind her trail marked her small foot steps .

.  .   .

As she reached to the playground which was covered in snow she spoted a swing and dusted the snow of it with her gloved hand and sat and swinging her little legs.
Waiting for her best friend she saw his blue kimono that matched with his marvelous eyes.

"Satoru! " Y/n exclaimed and running towards him .
"Y/n, you came early what shall we play?" " Can we make a snow man " Satoru nodded and the both of you started with one big ball and now as it got placed by gojo, y/n bought a small snow ball and placed it on top of the big one  as place and used broken trees bark and decorated as smile and two rocks as eyes and twigs as hair and hand , the  y/n wrapped her scarf around the snow man. " What should we name it y/n? "Hmm how about Mr. White? " You said. "Okay then Mr. White looks very handsome" The both you laughed at gojo's statement.

As the playdate gose on you played snow fight which made you trip while throwing the snow ball and gojo won.

You made snow angles and named them with your namese and played on swings, especially 'pretend'.
" Is the coast clear captain gojo " Y/n said " The coast is clear captain y/n...i see a shark throw the net down and catch it! "
As he stood on top of the slide you throwed you're glove down and gojo exclaimed " We got the shark captain y/n! He won't eat any more fishes! " " Yay! ".

The you both drawed imaginary things on  flat snow with tree branches .

After playing and running both the kidos got tired and soon sat down and talked about there life and he shared his chocolate bar with you.

Gojo was your first friend when you were new to this village and your first met on this play ground. Soon gojo's care taker came with a umbrella and you have to over your play date it was very sad you wanted to play more with him but satoru's family is very strict about and he left.

Soon you collected your scarf and glove and walked back to trail where your previous time steps were  densely visible.

Sorry for the one shot to be short!

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