Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Can it be?

Leo walked. He went through his first 5 classes thinking of what had happened between him and Marcus. The older boy held him against the wall and as ashamed as he was to say it, he liked it. It felt good, Marcus being in control, he was being forced to do what Marcus said. He gave him a semi-hard-on, actually when Marcus demanded him to stop resisting.

"What the hell is wrong with me? he's THE ENEMY!" Leo thought to himself. Suddenly a hand covers his, he looks up meeting Janelle's concerned eyes.

"You okay Leo?" She asked him, he got distracted by her bouncy brown hair and beautiful chocolate-colored eyes.

"Um yeah I'm good" He tried to give her a smile but it came out clunky and awkward.

"You sure Leo, you came in all sweaty and out of breath wait... is, that a bruise?" He quickly pulled down his sleeve covering the purple mark that began to form over his brown skin.

"I... ...It's nothing just a little roughhousing" Leo made up an excuse. He doesn't know why he lied for that jerk. He should've just told Janelle that Marcus grabbed him. Leo instantly blushed as he remembered being pinned against the wall by the older boy. He was intimidating, obnoxious, tall, handsome, strong, and tempting.

"EVIL!" Leo shook the thoughts from his head.

The bell rang signalling the end of class. Leo stood up grabbing his bookbag. Janelle followed him outside, and the two walked to their lockers together.

"So do you wanna go to the movies this weekend? I really wanna see Avengers" She said, glee in her voice. Leo smiled brightly not only did he wanna see the movie he wanted to go with her too.

"Yeah sure that'd be great" He accepted the offer. She hugged him tightly. The skinny boy hesitantly hugged back allowing her to embrace him. Sadly all he could think about was Marcus holding him against the wall.

"Leo?" Janelle pulled him out of the daydream. She was trying to escape the hug but he had her in a death grip.

"Oh yeah sorry" He let go, color flying to his cheeks.

"Let's sit together" She smiled pulling him towards the cafeteria. As they entered Leo's eyes automatically locked onto Marcus sitting with Adam, Bree, and Chase.

"Oh hey, you're family wanna sit with them?" She asked. Leo could only nod, and they made their way to the table.

"Hey Leo" Bree waved at her younger stepbrother. Janelle took a seat next to the bionic girl. Leo squeezed himself between Chase and Marcus.

"Geez Leo, there was plenty of room" Chase looked at him confused.

"Yeah, it's like you wanted to sit right next to Marcus" Adam joked. Leo glared daggers at him wishing at that moment he had heat vision.

"Wow, Leo if you wanted to sit next to me all you had to do was ask" Marcus patted his back. He gripped Leo's shoulder using a bit of super strength to make it hurt. Leo glared at the older boy pure hatred leaking through his eyes.

"Get real, I just don't want any of your evil cooties on my brother" Leo claimed shaking the offending hand off him.

"But you want them on you?" Janelle asked causing Adam to burst out laughing. Leo gave the girl a look of pure betrayal.

"Nice one" Bree high-fived her.

"What's the matter, Leo? Don't be scared, I don't bite" Marcus whispered the last part in his ear causing Leo to shiver.

"I... I...." Leo shoved a burger into his mouth to have an excuse not to say anything.

"HEY THAT WAS MINE!" Adam yelled at him. Leo glared at his eldest brother making a point to chew it loudly to annoy him.

"Boys" Bree and Janelle shook their heads.

"You have something on your chin, here I'll get it" Marcus grabbed Leo's cheeks forcing him to look at him.

"Oh no, not again" Leo closed his mouth completely. He couldn't resist looking into those dangerous eyes.

"He is evil, he's trying to hurt your family, and let's not forget you're straight get it together Dooley," Leo thought to himself as Marcus used a napkin to wipe some ketchup from his face.

"There we go all clean" Marcus smiled innocently. Leo turned to the rest of the group seeing their eyebrows raised.

"I have to meet up with Owen before class starts, bye dweebs" Bree stood up and skipped away.

"Mathletes meeting in 5, bye dorks" Chase laughed at them as he left.

"Mathletes? Yet were the dorks?" Adam asked truly confused by the statement.

"ADAM!" The boy looked terrified seeing Caitlin charging at him.

"Gotta go!" he ran away, and she chased him out of the cafeteria. Leaving only Leo, Marcus, and Janelle at the table.

"So Marcus, How are you liking Mission Creek so far? Are you new to the area or just the school?" Janelle asked him.

"Well I'm new to the area, me and my dad moved around a lot but Mission Creek.....well I guess there are some things to enjoy" Marcus smirked at Leo. Leo glared at him, his eyes widened feeling a hand grip his thigh.

"Though, I haven't had time to actually explore yet" Marcus explained to her. She looked at him, sympathy filling her eyes.

"Well me and Leo are seeing a movie this weekend you're welcome to tag along" She invited him. He smiled at her it appeared to truly be genuine. Meanwhile, Leo mouthed to her no his protest was silenced by Marcus's hand sliding up his thigh. Leo pulled his plastic spork from the tray and tried to stab Marcus' hand away.

"I'd love to, isn't that nice Leo Janelle wants me to come" Marcus smirked his face uncomfortably close. Leo glared, his face screaming I hate you. Marcus took obvious delight in torturing the poor boy. Although he found touching Leo, invading his personal space was just as, if not, more appealing. Leo's scent was almost intoxicating to the bionic teen. It made him feel lightheaded almost feral. Having Leo against the wall earlier made him have almost this exact reaction but more intense.

"Am I....Do I like Leo? Yeah, the idiot drives me crazy but was it in an I wanna kill him way or an I wanna claim him way?" Marcus thought to himself, questioning himself.
Enjoy the book!

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