Chapter 5

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Episode 5 - The Test


Leo stared into Marcus's eyes, skeptical at his request.

"Fine Marcus, but don't get any funny ideas" Leo began to follow the older teen.

"Alright Dooley let's see if you can see through my lie," Marcus thought to himself, leading the younger boy farther and farther away from the Davenport home.


Chase stared at the facility through binoculars, he zoomed in on the armed guards stationed outside by the door.

"This is weird. Those guards are not Davenport security, their weapons are heavy assault rifles and my scans tell me they are wearing bulletproof armor," Chase said as one of his eyes turned an electric blue color.

"Mr Davenport, did you hear that?" Bree asked through the communicator in her ear.

"Get a closer look, but try not to be seen," Donald said through the com channel.

"Why don't you just zoom in Bree?" Adam asked his younger sister.

"There's a keypad on the door. I can type fast but, they'll see me before I can find the right code" Bree explained to him. He nodded, understanding the predicament.

"I have an idea," Chase says looking up into the sky, with his bionic eye he hacks into a satellite and freeze-frames the outside cameras his blue eye turning back to hazel.

"Nobody will see us coming with those cameras, and I can use my magnetism app to take their guns" Chase smiled, Bree high-fiving him.

"Alrighty Chase, you're on fire today" She complimented him.

"That's why I'm the leader" He brags dusting off his suit.

"You always have to ruin it" Bree scoffed she took them both by the arm and sped past the guards.

"WHO ARE YOU!" One of the guards aims at the trio, Chase holds out his hands the guns fly toward him out of the enemy's hands.

"Nice, you're not useless this time" Adam smiles, knocking the guards away with a hard enough punch to knock them unconscious. Bree rapidly types on the keypad until it finally allows her access. The metal doors slowly open, allowing the siblings access to the warehouse.

"This place is huge, the best plan is to split up. Adam, you take the right side, Bree, you go left. I'll check the upper levels" Chase commanded them.

"Whatever you say sir bossypants" Adam salutes him.

"Don't call me that" Chase growled, walking up the stairs. He quickly hides behind a wall, seeing armed guards pass. Bree sped through the corridor, avoiding being spotted by guards. She peered into a room that had screens covering one wall. The outside camera remained on the freeze frame, while inside she saw Chase and Adam lurking around.

"I see you" A man smirked, Bree's eyes widened, seeing herself on a screen. She turned around only to see guards aiming guns at her.

"You're not going anywhere missy" The cloaked man chuckled to himself. Bree flipped over the arm guards and kicked them off their feet. She took off down the hallway at top speed.

"Bree? Chase?" Adam spoke through the communicator, only hearing static.

"Great this thing is busted" He sighed, annoyed by the inconvenience. A guard jumped out at Adam, spooking the teen, he jumped back, punching him hard enough to knock him out cold.

"Oops" He walks over the guard's body and runs away from the scene.  


Leo and Marcus sat at a table, staring at each other daring one another to say something.

"If you're just going to waste my time, then I'm gone" Leo tried to stand but was held in place by molecularkinesis.

"Sit down, I'm just gathering my thoughts" There was that tone from the other night. Severely differing from his usual cocky facade. To a more, tamed and monotone one. The tone shift caught Leo's attention fully.

"Say you were right, say I don't wanna hurt Adam, Bree, and Chase." Marcus came up with the scenario.

"I can help you, Mr Davenport can protect you. We can help Marcus, you just have to let us" Leo tried to encourage him. He grabbed Marcus's hand and looked into his brown eyes not seeing deceit but longing and confusion.

"Why do you wanna help me so badly?" Marcus asked, grabbing Leo's hand. He leaned in, staring into the big brown beautiful orbs.

"I don't know, but I can tell you're telling the truth. We can keep you safe Marcus" Leo smiled reassuringly. This made Marcus's heart throb. He needed to end this silly infatuation, once and for all.

"Donald Davenport can't help me, he can't even keep his own family safe." Marcus sighed pulling away. Leo stared at him, suspicion instantly growing inside of him.

"What's that supposed to mean Marcus?" Leo asked him, Marcus looked away, doing anything to avoid the look of betrayal.

"You bastard, This was all a fucking trick" Leo threw his coffee in Marcus's face before running out of the café. He took out his phone and dialed his stepfather's number, before he could hit call, the phone flew from his hand into Marcus's.

"You know I can't let you do that" Marcus shook his head, gripping the phone tightly.

"I actually believed you, but I was right before. You're evil and there's nothing more to it" Leo shoves Marcus violently. Marcus stood there unphased by his assault. He couldn't stand the look of utter betrayal on the younger teen's face. The emotion, he had caused the pain and despair.

"I hate you. You're never going to get away with" Leo was cut off by lips locking onto his. An arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer. It took Leo a moment to register what was happening, he tried to pull back, but Marcus deepened the kiss. After a while, Leo began to kiss back, resting his hands on Marcus's hard chest. He enjoyed the warmth of the embrace, the passion in the kiss. He battled for dominance between the two. Marcus lightly bit Leo's lip, causing the younger boy to moan. This gave Marcus the chance to slip his tongue into Leo's warm mouth and explore. Leo was suddenly left cold, as Marcus pulled back covering his mouth. The two stood their tension filling the air.

"I'm sorry" Marcus tossed the phone at Leo and used his super speed to take off. Leo stood there... stunned, by what just happened. The offer, the trap, the kiss... Why did he allow Marcus to kiss him? A better question is, why did he like it? He's suddenly pulled back to reality, realizing his family is in danger. Leo then pressed the dial button and waited for Donald to pick up.

"Big D, have you seen Adam, Bree, and Chase?" Leo asked him.
Enjoy the book

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