Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


The sun poured in through the windows of the Davenport hoke. Leo stirred the light hitting his face.

"UGH GO AWAY!" He pulled his pillow over his head and groaned. He reached down feeling the empty spot next to Jim.

"Marcus?" He grumbled. Leo pulled the pillow back peeking his eyes open to examine the empty spot. He slowly sat up a feeling of loneliness setting in.

"Was it a dream?" He thought but winced at the shooting pain in his back.

"Nope, definitely let Marcus take my virginity" Leo rubbed his back. He glanced at the foot of his bed seeing a folded pair of jeans, boxers, socks, and a graphic tee with a note.

"Hey lover, take a shower you smelled rank this morning.


Marcus" Leo glared at the note. He crumpled it up and tossed it in the garbage.

"SUCH AN ASSHOLE!" Leo shouted. He reluctantly crawled out of bed wrapping a towel around his naked form.

"Why did I agree to this, it hurts" Leo limped slightly.


Marcus was humming lightly to himself. He was at the stove with a skillet in his hand. The pan was filled with a thin layer of batter for a pancake. The counter was filled with yogurt parfaits, eggs, sausage, and grits.

Adam, Bree, and Chase entered the space with amazed looks on their faces.

"WHOA, what is that awesome smell?" Adam smiled. Bree glanced at the kitchen, and Marcus waved at them.

"Did you cook all of this?" She sped to the kitchen island and took her seat.

"Yeah, I used to cook at home when my dad was too lazy to be bothered getting up," Marcus grumbled. The siblings glanced at one another before taking their seats.

"Hey Marcus, I know we all had a laugh about it last night but do you need to talk about it?" Chase questioned.

"About what?" Marcus wondered. He flipped the pancake in the skillet.

"About how our father is our Uncle and you're our brother" Adam clarified.

"Right... that" Marcus sighed, he clenched the skillet tightly.

"You spent the most time with Douglas, is he always?" Bree started.

"Psychotic and obsessive? Yeah, though to be fair I share some of those same qualities, unfortunately" Marcus set the pancake onto the stack and pulled out plates.

"What do you mean? You totally helped us win the day" Adam stated.

"You do remember that I was stalking you guys for months right?" Marcus wondered.

"What made you change your mind?" Chase inquired.

"I got tired of hating. You guys had this big fancy house and a parent who cared about you. Your dad was protecting you from a madman obsessed with turning you into soldiers. My dad was the madman" Marcus slammed the plates down a little too roughly causing the three to jump back. Marcus released a frustrated sigh. He wiped sweat from his brow, as he leaned against the counter.

"But ya know, Leo made me realize it. He made me realize I could be more than the monster Douglas created." Marcus said with a smile. Bree glanced at Chase with a knowing smirk. She elbowed him, and he chuckled.

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