Chapter 12

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Leo came back downstairs after a few hours desiring something to eat preferably ice cream to soothe his broken heart.

"Ah," Chase grunted, holding his head in pain. Adam, Bree, and Leo turned to look at him.

"What's the matter? That big brain of yours is finally about to explode?" Adam joked.

"Very funny" Chase grunted, his left eye glowing blue.

"I just received an encrypted message on my bionics" Chase explained.

"I didn't even think that was possible," Bree said concerned and amazed by this.

"Maybe because my bionics are different from yours and Adam's they work more like a computer here, look" Chase tapped his temple, and a blue holographic screen emitted from his eye. A bunch of symbols shifting at a rapid speed.

"I'm deciding it give me a few seconds" Chase squinted at the screen as the symbols became words.

"Leo help me we have Davenport and on our way to my place....I'm so sorry" The message said before instantly deleting.

"What happened?" Adam called out.

"The message self-destructed" Chase explained to his brother.

"Leo who was that and what did they mean they have Mr Davenport?" Bree asked, worry clear in her voice. Leo looked at her struggling to find the words to say. That message was obviously from Marcus but if he is acting like this something horrible must have happened. 

"It's from Marcus a couple of weeks ago he blackmailed me saying he'd expose your bionics to the government if I didn't keep his secret" Leo rubbed his arm.

"WHAT!?" The three screamed at Leo causing him to flinch.

"How did he find out?" Chase asked, very annoyed.

"He always knew, that's why he transferred to Mission Creek to get loose to you guys his father wants you three and Mr Davenport" Leo explained.

"So you were protecting us this whole time by going along with what Marcus wanted?" Chase asked.

"I was at first... but then he started helping me he warned me about the android that was attacking the house a few weeks ago. He warned me about what his dad was planning but something must have happened today" Leo finished off with a sigh.

"Leo we need to know where they are" Adam put his hands on his little brother's shoulders.

"I know," Leo said they all went down to the lab and Leo typed in the coordinates. The team started running towards the vehicles.

"Wait, there's something else" Leo stated.

"I don't think I can handle any more" Bree groaned pulling at her hair

"Marcus has all three of your powers combined" Leo looked away at their shocked expressions.

"You knew this whole time....why didn't you say anything?" Adam glared at him.

"I wanted to, Marcus threatened to expose you guys if I did" Leo rubbed his arm embarrassed.

"Good to know how, are we gonna beat that" Chase pinched the bridge of his nose letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Mr Davenport was working on new suits for you they're much better than your old ones take them" Leo pulled up the designs on the big screen. The three got in their capsules, their suits appearing on them quickly.

"I like this" Adam admired himself.

"Get serious Adam, we need to get Mr Davenport back" Chase reminded him. 

"I'll guide you from here" Leo put an earpiece in and took a seat at the desk.

Adam and Bree ran towards the cars but Chase stopped turning back to look at Leo. Leo glanced at the ground rubbing his arm.

"Leo what Marcus did isn't your fault" Chase sympathized.

"That's really nice Chase but we all know the truth, if I was honest from the beginning none of this would be happening, I blew it.....all because I thought he liked me" Leo kicked himself.

"Maybe so but I don't believe Marcus was playing you and I intend to prove it" Chase hugged Leo tightly before running off.


"Look who's here" Douglas chuckled seeing Adam, Bree, and Chase enter the camera's view.

"YOU LAY A HAND ON THEM I END YOU!" Donald screams at his brother from his cage. Douglas only chuckled. 

"Don't worry Donny I won't hurt them, because I'm their father not you" Douglas sneered at him.

"Marcus, go get your brothers and sister" Douglas commanded, Marcus immediately headed to the door with no hesitation.

"Douglas I know that dazed look in his eyes you activated the trident app let me guess he wouldn't follow your orders otherwise?" Donald commented.

"For your information, he was doing just fine till that little man trollop you call a stepson got into his head then he was all about helping and being a hero it's disgusting" Douglas mocked. Donald stared surprised at his words.

"Wait Leo and Marcus are?.. how did I not notice" Donald hit himself in the head.

"You never were the brightest Donny I mean you invited Marcus into your home never knowing he was working with me to take you down" Douglas gloated turning back to the screen.

"Now it's time to be reunited with my family" 

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