Chapter 15

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Leo repeatedly pounded away at Marcus's force field. Marcus was sweating trying to keep the barrier up.

Marcus lowered his shield and jumped back avoiding the metal fist coming his way.

"LEO STOP IT YOU CAN TRUST ME IF I WASN'T ON YOUR SIDE I WOULD HAVE BEATEN YOU BY NOW" Marcus tried to say but got grabbed by the giant mech.

"I can't trust anything you say" Leo growled holding Marcus overhead. The two stood there breathing heavily for a moment.

"Fine, take me out then" Marcus commanded, Leo's eyes widened. He placed his hands on the controls which caused the mech to start squeezing Marcus. The older teen let out a pained scream feeling the crushing sensation.

"I've messed up Leo a lot okay I get that, I made mistakes I was so jealous for so long of how Donald chose to take Adam, Bree, and Chase and robbed me of my siblings. He left me with my psychotic father. They got a life while I became a weapon" Leo gasped at the revelation. 

"You're mean... Big D isn't... their father?" He questioned.

"Surprise heh it's actually really funny I came here with the mission to turn my siblings into weapons just like me and make my uncle suffer but then annoying little fucking Leo came into my life" Marcus screamed as the grip got tighter.

"I hated you" Marcus coughed out, Leo's glare intensified.

'I'm not gonna make it if he keeps it up,' Marcus thought to himself.

"I HATED HOW GOOD YOU WERE, HOW HONEST I hated it cause you were everything I couldn't be but then I got to know you and you kept foiling my plans you kept showing up over and over again Leo I couldn't help myself but to fall in love with you" Marcus whispered out the last part much to Leo's surprise. Leo stood there considering the words spoken to him. Memories of their time together flashed through their head. The beach, the movies when he saved Marcus from the android. Leo released Marcus allowing him to fall to the ground hard. Marcus lay there coughing viciously.

"Leo" Marcus wheezed out.

"Why did you attack Adam, Bree, and Chase today?" Leo asked. 

"I didn't want to, Douglas my father saw me fight that android he sent to your house, he saw you and I kissing and he was angry I betrayed him. He turned on my triton app it's something in the Bionic chip that allows someone else to become obedient to commands" Marcus explained.

"Do Adam, Bree, and Chase have them?" Leo panicked.

"Yes, that's how Douglas meant to take them back" Marcus informed Leo. The mask on the mech suit opened up.

"If you had just told me all of this instead of playing sides this wouldn't have happened and we could have stopped Douglas sooner" Leo scolded Marcus.

"I know, and for what it's worth I'm sorry," Marcus said sincerely. Leo stared down at Marcus before letting out a frustrated sound from his throat.

"I guess I can't fully blame you, when dealing with family things get complicated" Marcus looked into Leo's big brown eyes. He slowly walked over to Leo, placing a hand on his cheek.

"I'm really sorry I hurt you Leo I promise I'll do whatever I can to make this right" Marcus turned to look at his house with a glare on his face. 

"Stay here I'll take down my dad" Marcus sped inside.

"HEY! I'M COMING TOO" Leo pushed the controls making the mech march forward.


Adam, Bree, and Chase watched on in fear seeing the software say 88% complete on the monitor.

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