Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 - The Beach

Adam sat on the beach with Chase making a sand castle. Adam childishly threw sand at Chase much to his younger brother's annoyance. Bree walked back with two pieces passing one to Janelle.

"Thanks, Bree" Janelle smiled playfully shoving Leo with her elbow. They watched Marcus exit the water which made his skin shine in a near unnatural way. Leo turned away a smile forming on his face. Bree walked away from Owen to talk to her brothers.

"Have you noticed Leo and Marcus are nice to each other now?" Bree asked, this caused Chase to look up raising an eyebrow. He watches Marcus tease Leo but instead of rage, his brother responds with laughter.

"That is an interesting development," Chase said analyzing their behavior.

"Oh yeah? At least he's not screaming Marcus is an evil man that was annoying" Adam laughed. Meanwhile, Marcus picked up an ice cube from the cooler dropping it down Leo's tank top the younger boy let out a shriek pulling at his shirt until the cube fell out this caused his friends to erupt with laughter. 

"You're going down Captain Eyebrow" Leo swung but Marcus grabbed his wrist, pulling him forward.

"Don't threaten me with a good time" Marcus smirked as Leo's eyes widened at the flirtatious tone. The two decided to take a walk to a secluded part of the beach.

"So what are we?" Leo asked curiously. Marcus looked up thinking for a minute.

"I don't know, I think until our other situation is handled, this will always be" Marcus began.

"Complicated right," Leo said melancholily, This caused Marcus to wrap his arms around the small boy's waist

"Don't do that" He leaned down planting kisses all over Leo's face, this action caused the younger of the two to laugh lightly. Marcus firmly planted his lips on Leo's, holding him by the back of his neck. Leo closed his eyes, giving in to the kiss. He kissed back with just as much ferocity. Leo pulled back, deciding to kiss and nip at Marcus's neck until he decided to get revenge and suck and bite it.

"Fuck Leo, you're starting something I don't know if you can finish" Marcus pulled off Leo's shirt, throwing it into the sand.

"HEY!" Leo smirked wrapping his arms around Marcus's neck, deepening the kiss. Marcus pulled back staring into Leo's eyes. 

"This doesn't make any sense you're weak, whiny, and annoying" Marcus listed off, Leo growled shoving him back.

"Screw you" He began to walk away but was yanked back.

"But for some strange reason, to me, you're the most important thing in the world, I can't resist you" Marcus wrapped his arms around Leo's waist, resting his head on his shoulder. Leo blushed, not used to the amount of affection he was being given.

"Marcus" Leo sighed, he gasped as he suddenly pulled onto the ground. Marcus lands on the ground Leo landing on his chest. They continued making out hot and eagerly. Leo gasped into the kiss feeling hands on his ass groping him.

"You just want to get in my pants" Leo breathed out.

"That is a perk, but I want more than that, I want you completely" Marcus rolled over forcing Leo on his back. The younger teen whined, feeling the hot sand on his bare back. Marcus pulled down Leo's swim trunks his hard-on springing to life.

"Wait, not here" Leo covered his face embarrassed at being exposed in public.

"I'll be quick" Marcus kissed his hips and continued to lick and nip at his thighs. Leo covered his mouth, stifling the moans escaping his mouth. Marcus smirked mischievously, enjoying how much he made Leo mad. 

"You're mine understand?" Marcus sucked on one of Leo's balls, calling him to let out a short scream, he gritted his teeth looking down at Marcus.

"I belong to no one" He panted out, Marcus smirked pulling off Leo's trunks completely.

"No" Leo jumped up, trying to grab at his shorts, however, Marcus pushed him back down using his super speed to start jerking Leo off.

"Understand?" Marcus nipped at Leo's ear and started sucking on his neck.

"I can't take it" Leo moaned, he grabbed Marcus's neck, pulling him into a kiss. Marcus smirked into the kiss.

"Fuck Leo" Marcus took off his own swim trunks, revealing his hardened cock.

"We really shouldn't be doing this here," Leo said coyly.

"Too late to turn back now Leo, just enjoy yourself alright?" Marcus got on top of Leo taking the brown teen into his mouth.

"Marcus" Leo moaned, throwing his head back, Marcus was bobbing his head, deep-throating Leo. He swirled his tongue around the head and gave it a few powerful sucks before pulling off.

"Suck me too" Leo held onto Marcus hips and guided the member into his mouth. He was overcome with a rush of pleasure, he was getting sucked and Marcus was thrusting into his mouth. Leo called out which was muffled by Marcus's cock. Ropes of cum shot from his dick filling Marcus's waiting mouth. The older of the two swallowed, sucking it a few more times to get everything. 

"Damn Leo, you really are enjoying yourself huh?" Marcus mocked Leo, the younger boy made a point to place his teeth near his shaft as a warning. This caused Marcus to thrust deep into Leo's mouth, gagging the poor non-bionic teen. Marcus pulled out of his mouth standing up, Leo got on his knees, he stroked the shaft before licking up the shaft.

"Don't be such a tease" Marcus warned him, Leo smirked, kissing the head. Marcus grabbed Leo's head forcing, his dick back into Leo's mouth.

"Mmm" Leo moaned out, he hated to admit it, but it was hot when Marcus took control. Marcus kept thrusting in and out of Leo's mouth, before he started to shake, he screamed cumming into his mouth. Leo struggled to swallow all of it, but he refused to let any spill out.

"Fuck" Leo coughed, covering his mouth.

"Are you okay?" Marcus asked concerned.

"Yeah just it was a lot" Leo smiled at him. The two put on their swim trunks and started walking back.

"Leo listen, there is something you should know, my father is" Marcus started but Janelle spotted them.

"There you guys are," Janelle said running over to the two. 

"I told you they were together" Bree smiled mischievously, poking at Leo as he rolled his eyes.

"You guys are like best friends now?" Adam asked.

"Heck no, he's still a psycho" Leo grumbled, crossing his arms.

"And if you didn't like that about me, why would you follow me around?" Marcus retorted, causing Leo's step-siblings to oh and ah at the statement.

"Let's just go home" He huffed stomping away.
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