Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Pros and Cons.

Douglas Lab

Marcus stood in his capsule frustrated by the thoughts plaguing his head. Leo Francis Dooley was an enigma. While most people would've run away screaming, and avoided him if they knew his abilities. Leo didn't back down, and although, he knew he was stronger than Adam, faster than Bree, and smarter than Chase, Leo refused to back down. He openly challenges Marcus, knowing, he can't win. Unknown if Leo is being brave, or stupid but regardless, it caught Marcus's interest. His Uncle took Adam, Bree, and Chase from their father but in all honesty, after what Douglas did to them, he can't really blame Donald. The more he thought about it the more he realized this plan may be a bad idea.

"No, I am not sorry. They're going to get everything coming to them nobody's gonna stop me, especially not Leo" Marcus thought as he growled, lasers emitted from his eyes burning a picture he had of the group.

Davenport's lab.

"Go" Donald commanded. Chase channeled energy through his body to generate a force field. Adam's eyes began to glow red, laser beams came from them striking the barrier.

"Alright Adam increase heat intensity" Donald instructed the older boy. Adam followed orders as Chase managed to keep up his barrier with little effort.

"Wow, that beam is hot enough to melt titanium" Leo stated looking at the computer.

"Yea, Good thing Chase can take it or he'd be fried right now" Bree commented.

"Alright that's enough, Good work boys" Donald ended that exercise. Adam deactivated his lasers and Chase put down his shield.

"Alright now Adam I want you to try to block Chase's force field, okay?" He asked them. The two nodded getting into position.

Chase summoned his force field and shrank it to ball size.

"Come at me bro" Adam smiled tempting Chase.

"This is for all the times you've thrown me" Chase launched the ball at his older brother. As the ball of pure energy made contact, it sent Adam flying across the room into the far wall.

"Ooooooooh" Leo and Bree instigated, Adam crumbled to the floor holding his stomach in pain.

"Okay, best two out of three" Adam groaned, Donald shook his head helping his son up.

"Man that felt good," Chase said with a smile on his face.

"Alright one more test and then you're free, Chase I wanna see how your force field can stand up to one of Adam's punches full power" Chase looked nervously at his brother as he instantly became eager. He took in a deep breath summoning an energized sphere around himself.

"This is gonna be fun" Adam winded back his fist before punching the barrier with all his might. As he made contact Chase crumbled to the ground but the force sent Adam back. Chase stayed focused on the barrier as he stayed on one knee, and Adam recovered from being disoriented.

"Alright looks like it exerts as much force as it takes, but with a limit," Donald wrote down.

"Leo, what was with lunch today? You and Marcus seemed to be very close" Bree raised an eyebrow.

"Ugh please don't start taking on his habits" Leo groaned to her.

"I'm serious Leo, Do you like him?" Bree asked her younger brother. He looked away frustrated by the question. Even more frustrated that he's not satisfied with his answer.

"He is evil, of course, I don't like him! I despise him, I rue him!" Leo ranted, clenching his fist hard.

"Methinks the man doth protest too much?" Chase said jokingly.

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