Chapter 6

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CHAPTER 6 - Change?


Adam, Bree, and Chase met up in the middle room.

"I have no idea what's going on here, but we need to leave now" Chase warned his siblings. Suddenly, a man lands. He stands up, a cloak covering his face.

"You're going nowhere Bionic humans" He smiled, pulling out a minigun. He began shooting at them.

"GET BEHIND ME!" Chase summoned up a force field, blocking the bullets. Once the shooting ceased, Adam's eyes began glowing red. He shot the minigun, melting it completely. The man charged at them with a glowing sword. Chase swung his arm, causing the blade to fly from the man's hands. He then held up his hand, making the cloaked figure hover over the ground.

"Now, you're going to tell us what you're doing here" Chase glared at the man, Adam stepped in front of him.

"Yeah, and also where's the bathroom I really gotta pee," Adam asked confidently causing Bree and Chase to stare at him with confusion in their eyes.

"You are in no position to make demands" He dropped gas pellets, causing the trio to begin coughing violently. Chase could no longer focus, he had to release his telekinetic hold on the man. Bree took this opportunity to run around in a circle at super speed. Forming a vacuum-type effect and clearing the air.

"Resourceful, but you are no match for me. You're weak pathetic children" He smirked.

"I'll show you weak" Adam charged at the man, punching him into a brick wall with a sickening crunch.

"ADAM!" Bree screamed in horror seeing the body clatter to the ground.

"ARE YOU CRAZY" Bree and Chase ran to the man. Adam stared, horrified by his actions.

"I'm.....I'm sorry" His voice cracked.

"What the" Chase saw sparks coming from the man's neck, he pulled back the face, revealing the man to be 100% mechanical.

"He's a robot, but WHY!?" She asked confused.


"You did good work tonight, distracting that meddlesome brat, My android was destroyed, but it got all the information I needed" Douglas smirked at the screens. Seeing Adam's raw strength and heat Vision, Bree's quick thinking with the vacuum, and Chase's development of molecular kinesis.

"We'll be ready to move soon and you'll be rejoined with your brothers and sister" Douglas patted Marcus on the back.

"Good job son" Douglas smiled at his creation. Marcus stared at his father's face.

"Thank you, Father," Marcus said with all the pleasure he could muster. Unknown to Douglas, he was having a major internal conflict. His mind kept drifting to his lips which were still tingling from kissing Leo. The way his body moved against the other teen's begging for more.

"Why did he do it? he should've been able to ditch the loser no problem, he should've been able to just kill Leo nobody would think it was Marcus, but he couldn't bring himself to do it he wanted Leo every part of him mind, body, and soul. He loved the way Leo protected his family, loved the way Leo's eyes lit up when talking about something he liked, loved the way Leo was determined and perceptive and smart" Marcus thought to himself. He walked to his room and went in his capsule pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Dammit, I have it bad" Marcus groaned.


Leo entered the house quickly and ran towards the elevator. He got on and took it all the way down to the lab. Once he exits he sees Adam, Bree, and Chase sitting down in chairs.

"You guys are okay" Leo smiled, seeing his siblings safe.

"Of course we are" Adam smirked triumphantly.

"Weird mission though, they knew we were bionic and they were androids" Chase explained to Leo.

"Androids? Wait where's Big D?" Leo looked around the lab for his stepfather.

"Taking his team of private security to reclaim his warehouse and to look at the robot Adam destroyed" Bree chuckled at the memory.

"It was awesome" Adam smiled at this.

"I'm glad you're all safe and sound" A mischievous glint formed in Bree's eyes.

"So the movies with your two love interests? How was that?" Bree asked teasingly, Leo glared and stormed up to his room. Once he entered, the door locked and Marcus emerged from the shadows.

"I'm in no mood for this, leave now" Marcus stared into Leo's eyes, he took a seat on his bed letting his head hang.

"I'm not pitying you any longer, get out of my house! You did enough for one night you psycho. LEAVE NOW!" Leo screamed at him, Marcus sped towards him, pinning him to the door harshly and covering his mouth.

"SHUT UP" He gritted through his teeth, eyes turning from brown to a luminescent green color.

"You always talk to fucking much" Marcus slowly released Leo from his hold. The normal human rubbed his wrist not expecting to be grabbed so roughly.

"Just give me a minute to think" Marcus sighed running his hands through his hair.

"What kind of mind games are you playing, you... kissed me tonight, why?" Leo demanded an answer causing a smirk to form on Marcus's face.

"Like you didn't enjoy it" Leo's eyes widened seeing his smug look.

"For your information I'm straight" Leo declared, Marcus rolled his eyes.

"Is that why you were practically humping my leg?" Leo's face reddened at this.

"NO, I WASN'T, and don't change the subject Captain Eyebrow why did you kiss me?" Leo asked again.

"Cause I do what I want when I want you should know this" Leo looked unimpressed by the answer. This caused Marcus to sigh tired of putting up a facade.

"Fine, truth? I have no idea why I did it, I liked the way you were looking at me and it hurt when you looked at me like I hurt you so badly. I just wanted that look to stop" Marcus admitted out loud for the first time.

"Can't face your crimes, Then why do it in the first place?" Leo asked him.

"You know I have no choice" Leo growled at the answer.

"There is always a choice, please tell me who you're working for I want to help Marcus" Leo held his hands, this sent warmth throughout Marcus's body.

"I'll tell you but not now just give me some time okay? I promise I won't hurt you like that again?" Leo looked at him skeptically.

"Since when have you cared about hurting me?" Leo said with spite in his voice.

"Since I started wanting to do this" Marcus leaned down capturing the younger boy's lips in a chaste kiss.
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