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Public display of affection, Jungwon had told Jay, was not allowed in any academic or formal setting, and that priorly included their high school.

However, when Jungwon had started dating Park Jay, he had made the mistake of disregarding some reality that is now leaving him quite frustrated.

Park Jay was popular, especially among girls.

Girls were sitting with the basketball team today, during lunch. Jungwon watches them carefully, reluctantly.

"- Look at this, it's so cute!"

Sunoo jitters his phone near his silhouette, and Jungwon bothers not looking at whatever article Sunoo is showing him. His friend has been browsing through a multitude of random Instagram accounts that sold exclusive clothing, clothing that were seemingly 'absolutely!' Sunoo's type.

"- Jungwooooon." Sunoo whines as he beckons Jungwon with two taps of his phone against Jungwon's bicep. "- It's for you, a recommendation, like, it will look so cute on you!"

Jay, from afar, not within Jungwon's reach, looks unusually attractive. From this point of view, tables away, acting so nonchalantly and oblivious of Jungwon's inner turmoil, he feels unreachable, and it only feeds Jungwon's desire to touch him.

A palm on Jay's shoulder, she pushes him playfully, and Jungwon diverts his eyes with suspension points hanging above his head. Jungwon is irked by the girls Jay is sitting between, as much as himself, and how petty he feels.

"- Jay would love it on you."

"- What? Show me."

Sunoo is smiling like a fox when he looks at him again, though he switches to his fake show of pouting "adorably" when he realizes that Jungwon is now fully interested in what he is saying.

"- You only pay attention to me when I say 'Jay', 'Jay-hyung', 'Jongseong' or 'Park Jay'." He complains, jutting out his lips even more as he talks.

Jungwon cringes at him when he sees how shiny his lips look. He had not been licking them, in truth, Sunoo had put excessive lip-gloss all over them, for a reason Jungwon had not bothered looking for. Surely, he has a new crush, and Jungwon can only hope it is not him or Jay.

"- Make-up is forbidden. I can smell your lip-gloss' cherry odor from miles." He frowns. Sunoo rolls his eyes and starts groaning some meaningless syllables. "- Show me the picture." Jungwon repeats simply.

Surprisingly, Sunoo stops pouting and whining quicker than Jungwon was apprehending, and instead, he begins giggling cryptically.

"- Here."

Jungwon stares a second too long at Sunoo before slowly dragging his stare on the screen of Sunoo bling-bling, glittering, jingling phone.

"- I hate you." He says first and last.

Sunoo giggles even more until he is fully laughing, cheeks flushed and feet kicking the floor as though he just heard the funniest joke of his entire life.

The outfit is a black top, oversized hoodie just like Jungwon likes them, if it was not for the hood itself, which was horrifically designed with soft-edged cat ears and an 'I'm a cat! Nya~' Inscribed on its front in a disgustingly cute, Fuchsia font.

"- This is horrendous." He spits out.

"- What? It's so cute!!! Jay would smooch you with kisses if he saw you in it."

"- Do you want to die?" Jungwon glares. "- Park Sunghoon has a queer leaning to cat-like things, or overall, animal-like things. If he were to see me in this-"

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