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Jungwon has since learned his lesson; he will no longer be a green apple. Jealousy is only good when it motivates him to do better and be top of his school. However, how can jealousy in love be any beneficial?

"- I feel like the teacher complicated it even more."

Jungwon pauses in his process of writing down the method he will be using to solve the mathematics problem. It sounds like someone has an issue understanding a concept that has been dealt with lately.

"- Easy peasy, inductive is from general to specific, and deductive is from specific to general."

Jungwon puts down his pen a turns around in his chair.

"- No, it is the opposite." He corrects, and winces immediately when he catches sight of the girl's appearance. "- Bubblegum and beanies are not allowed inside the classroom."

The girl munches her bubblegum a little more while rolling her eyes, looking uncanny, a lot like Riki when he rolls his eyes at Jungwon's lecturing.

"- I'm sorry." The girl, Nishimura Konon, removes her grey beanie and shuts her mouth. When she opens it again, the bubblegum has disappeared.

"- I've read somewhere that you can die if you swallow gum!" A boy, Cho WooJu, exclaims.

"- Bullshit." Konon snorts. "- I feel perfectly fine. Just a lil pissed."

They were a group of 3 students gathered each on their own chair around one desk.

The owner of the desk, Na Gyumin, is frowning at his textbook. He was one of the most brilliant students of their class, and the fact that such a simple concept is giving him a hard time makes Jungwon quite uncomfortable and antsy.

"- Do you want some help?" Jungwon offers.

"- President, yes." Gyumin smiles with a polite nod, and for some reason, Konon rolls her eyes.

"- Wait for me!" Another classmate, Shim HyeWon, exclaims and rushes to them. A boy peers at their little, impromptu study group, Linuma Anthonny, and soon joins the session. The two stand, peeking at Gyumin's textbook. "- Wait, but that's easy." She remarks, frowning at the lesson.

"- Then explain it, ha!" Gyumin shoots back while looking up, turning his head to where she stands behind Konon's chair and glares at her. She winces and whispers an insult that Jungwon ignores for the moment.

"- Hush, I wanna hear President's explanation! He's a good teacher." The girl sitting by Gyumin's right, known as Yue, but whose full name is Nancy Yang, silences the bickering.

She has been staring at Gyumin's handwriting since Jungwon had turned his chair around to participate in the conversation. Nancy was also one of the few students that oft sought Jungwon's assistance for academic purposes and was always present during the study sessions Jungwon organized before each exams. Jungwon had noted then, with a little satisfied smile that both his and her efforts had paid off, since she was always in the top 3.

Jungwon looks around, making sure that no other classmate is joining before he starts explaining, not that he minds repeating the explanation if needed, yet lunch break will be break soon, and he might not have time to do so if any late comers show up.

Sure enough, a girl bounces from behind Jungwon's desk, seemingly having just entered the classroom. Bahiyyih Jaleh Huening, part of the Student Council and students' favorite. She is also one of the few girls who are looking forward to

"- Make me a seat, wouldn't you?" She beams at the group.

"- Just stand, oh my god, you won't die if you stand for a little while." Gyumin grumbles.

Apple (Jay is in Love, by Park Sunghoon)Where stories live. Discover now