Know her better

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-Soyeon pov-

I'm sitting on my desk on my computer checking my emails from our different branches. My right hand woman, Ryujin, is sitting on the couch scrolling her phone. I sigh rubbing my eyes in exhaustion from working so late these last few weeks. I wonder when my new assistant is going to be here thinking to myself 

Hey, Ryujin" I call out for her 

Slightly getting startled she turns off her phone and walks in front of my desk 

"Yes miss Soyeon?" She replys

"When is my new assistant arriving?"

She scratches her head checking her phone again 

"Well?" I say in a rather rushing manner 

"She should be here around 9 ma'am. Would you like me to get wait for her downstairs?" She requests 

I nod. She slightly bows and leaves the room closing the door behind her. When the door closes I sink in my seat from exhaustion damn I'm so tired. Of course, not tired from my job I love it, but tired from all these late nights. Running a company is not easy especially when it's your own. You must make everything perfect and keep your image strong, cause one slip up can ruin you forever. And that's bad business

I never came from a wealthy family like everyone else I knew did, we were poor but had enough money to have food at the table, clothing on our body, and a house to live under. Not much to complain about right? Ever since I was a kid I loved putting on shows for my parents and older sisters, they loved it and so did I. The fact that people were proud of me made me proud of myself, so I wanted to do more. In middle to high school I had enrolled in music and singing classes. I loved every moment of it! So when high school graduation came around and it was my time to say what I wanted to do after I left these were my words...

"Regardless coming from a wealthy family or not, I still gave my best in everything. I wouldn't be here is it werent for my older sisters and my parents of course. But I WILL make it to the top. From my hard work I will make it, from my proud family and friends I will make it. I Jeon Soyeon will make it"

And from that day on I made it my mission to make it to the top. My parents gave up everything to raise me and my sisters, so it was only fair if I did the same. I made my family proud and that's all that mattered. Sure, my dream was to be in music, but my desire was to make my parents really proud of me. That's all any other kid in the world wants right? To make it up to their parents since they did everything for you

Its little after nine now starting to get bored in my office I turn off my computer and go outside my office into the hallway. There I see some employees chatting and working. Theres a information desk in front of my door then when you look to the left theres more little desks. Then to the right about a foot away, theres the elevator doors. My phone starts to ring, I take it out my pocket to check it out it's a message from my sister, Soojin 

Cherrybomb🍒- Morning sis! Hows your new assistant? 

Yes, my older sister is Soojin. Well, shes one of my older sisters. As the youngest you should be everyone's favorite right? But with Soojin, nah, you wouldn't stand a chance. She was the second born in our family, and dont worry you will meet my eldest sister soon enough. Soojin really helped me stay on my feet, helped me look towards my future. And still till this day I love and appreciate her for everything shes done for me but anyway, let's cut the back stories for now

I click on the notification opening our chat together. I almost immediately texting her back

SY- She's still not here yet. It's a little after nine she should have been here by now, I still have to show her around the place

Cherrybomb🍒- I'm sure shes on her way yeon, dont worry about it. I just hope shes better then your last assistant lol

Yeah that's true. My last assistant ending up being a stalker, bothering and creeping out many of my employees, including me. When I fired him he was later arrested for assault. When a cruel world we live in huh?

SY- Yah, that's not funny, you know I take this position very seriously. Besides hows your assistant doing?

Cherrybomb🍒- shes great! We're going to be taking a trip to assist the Taiwn branch 

SY- Great to hear! I'll see you later, work awaits! I love you Soojin

Cherrybomb🍒- Alright I'll see you. And remember that the my girlfriend's party is this weekend so don't forget! I love you too Soyeon❤️

Shit! I forgot that I had that this weekend. I'll ask the new assistant to clear the rest of this week, I'll have Ryujin take over for me. I'm glad to have someone I can trust so have a break every once in a while, but the thing is I have no idea what shuhua likes. All I know is what Soojin tells me, for instance she likes food, wolfs, clothing and more food. That's not much to work with honestly but I'll text Jin later I have work to do. I put my phone away in my lo text and head back to my office. Behind my desk there's a big window that has a a view of the city, it's really beautiful. Sometimes me and Ryujin would stand together staring out the window drinking coffee in the morning, just chat and talk about life. Everything is steady for us and that's a good thing, this job requires all of your energy and attention. But maybe one day I'll have someone other than Ryujin, someone more close to my heart, someone I can call home to share this time with

When getting lost in my thoughts I hear a knock it's slightly makes me jump but I get myself back together. I fix my blazer and wipe off some lint, I take a deep breath

"You got this Jeon Soyeon" I whisper to myself "come in"

I see Ryujin open the door a girl enters my eyes widen from her beauty. Her smile is so pure, she hair glows in the sun, her eyes are a pool of wonder, her demeanor is strong but yet subtle, everything about her is beautiful and mesmerizing. I smile the younger, we shake hands and bow slightly

"Good morning miss Yuqi, I'm Jeon Soyeon. It's a pleasure to have you working with us" I say proudly

Damn this girl is cute let alone every energetic. She's going to be a perfect assistant, but hopefully I'll get to know her better while she's here. We chat for some time asking her questions of why she chose this job and so on. She gives me a little story and a tiny speech of whys she's here. I like that about her, she's a very determined person, willing to work hard for what she wants. I smile and nod at her slightly 

"I love your passion Yuqi, welcome to SY entertainment!" 

She then looks confused on the last bit of my sentence. Scratching her head slightly 

"No disrespect, but your company sounds close to SM" she says sheepishly 

I laugh a little, normally when people say that if makes me annoyed but with her its completely different

"Yes I know, it's just my initials from my name" I say shyly "anyway let's get started I'll show you around" 

We make our way outside my office showing her all of the 5th floor. Shes very polite to all the workers and has easy chemistry that makes this floor a very enjoyable atmosphere. As I'm looking at her interact with the others I unconsciously smile. I've never seen someone get along with so many people before let alone be this enjoyable to be around. Her smile shines bright like the sun and her laugh is music to my ears, she clearly enjoys it here. So, that makes it final, I'll make it my mission to win her heart and get to know her better

This chapter was kinda boring ngl😒 I have better ideas ofc. But I do hope you guys enjoyed these chapter!! Much love to you❤

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