Give Me Your

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(A/N) - This chapter is based off the song, so this is Yuqi and Soyeon

--Yuqi POV--

After a while of the girls going back and forth i eventually get them to stop bickering and come inside. they take off their shoes and sit down on the couch now with Minnie and Soyeon talking about work. I head to the kitchen to with Shuhua and Soojin, the older is cooking food she has prepared for today and my sister is sitting at the counter chairs. I open to refrigerator to act like I'm doing something, but really I'm going to ask Soojin if she knows about this

"Someone named Soyeon is here" I say monotoned checking the frig for drinks

"Ahh, that's good. Thanks for letting me know Yuqi" she thanks still focused on cooking the food

I hmm in response, now actually checking the frig for drinks, and shockingly we don't have any. I guess Shuhua had came back to the house sometime yesterday and took the soju to Jin's house. I stare at her annoyed but she's too busy focusing on her 'soon to be' wife cooking. Yes, you heard me right, she's getting ready to propose to her on her birthday. It will be a great celebration for us! I stretch my arms and give a good yawn having to wake up early to clean by myself, but that's what you get for getting your sister late for work. Her girlfriend kidnaps her for the weekend and you're left to do thing by yourself. I grab my handbag and keys from the counter cause i threw them there from being so tired last night, Shuhua then stops me to ask where I'm heading

"Yah, Yuqi where are you going?" she asks in mandarin

"I'm going to the store to get more drinks, cause we don't have any. I'll see you later" i smile waving goodbye and head to the door

"WAIT" Soojin yells from the kitchen entry

everyone's attention goes to her but she doesn't care, we all look at her confused as to why she yelled for me

"take someone with you, i don't want you going alone" she says stiffly

"Umm...why? I'll be fine by myself" I protest 

Before Soojin answers Shuhua yells over her

"Because you run into Ryujin too much, that's why" she shouts

My blood turns cold, the one person I didn't want Soyeon knowing i knew, the one person she can't know i had a past with, she now knows. Fuck you Shuhua. I look at Minnie hoping she would come with me but she declined from Miyeon clinging on and kissing she cheek so much and Shuhua is too busy watching Soojin cook. So that leaves on person left to take with me...Jeon Soyeon. She's looking through her phone sitting against the couch on the floor, she looks so cute bear faced and wearing baggy clothing it's a great for her. Unconsciously I smile at the sight of her she's just so perfect, but from her reaction earlier I guess she's not looking for anyone right now which is sad cause i would take her any day

"Yuqi are you going or having a staring contest with the wall?" Minnie asks concerned while her wife is kissing up her face

when she calls my name it gets me out my trance and i see Soyeon Take a glance at me. My cheeks begin to burn, 'damn she's so cute' my thoughts are going crazy for her. I get myself together and call for Soyeon

"Hey, Miss Jeon, would you like to go with me to the store? I just have to pick up some drinks" I ask as if I'm at work

Her face go stagger, but nods shortly after. she gets up from the floor and gets her shoes on. We bid the girls goodbye and head to my car

We're now on the way to get some drinks, our car ride is very awkward and silent, Soyeon is leaning on the door looking the window. Me not liking this atmosphere I try to make conversation with her

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