Stay One Night

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After a few hours of us all hanging out and drinking everyone eventually got tired and left. Lia and Ryujin were the first to leave, then Mimin, but since this was also Shuhua's apartment the two, again, were making out on the couch when I came out the kitchen


"Yah, leave us alone. This is my house, I can do what I want even kick you out" Shuhua said drunkenly continuing to kiss her lover

Just before i answer, Yuqi comes out of her room and discipline her sister 

"And if I want, I can tell Soojin to leave. So, choose wisely, go continue in your room or your lover leaves' Yuqi said sternly 

she groans and gets up taking her also drunken lover to the room, she closes the door and we hear a faint lock. 'Thank God, I'm so tired of those horny ass girls. But you can't deny they love each other' I thought to myself faintly smiling. By doing this Yuqi notices and catches my attention 

"Is there something on your mind, baby?" She asked sweetly

"Oh no, i was just thinking about the girls, how much they love each other. Do you think we will love one another the same?" 

The girl smiled and pulled me into a sweet and loving kiss, she pulls my waist closer deepening the kiss. Once she pulls away I whine making her laugh

"Come on, lets got to bed, my love" she said quietly hugging me

We went to her room, and she closed the door. I through her closet and found a white colored with heart patterned pajama outfit. I asked to wear it and she said yes, I left to the bathroom, took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and changed into the pajama's that smelled just like Yuqi. Her scent was so sweet and delicate, It smelled like strawberry's mixed champagne and it was almost mind controlling when you took a whiff when it was first sprayed. I loved it so much and it was another thing I loved about my Chinese bun. When I finally get out the bathroom I enter to the site of my lover reading a book in her native language. I go to the bed, crawling on top and hugging her. She strokes my head as I rest my head on her chest where i can hear her heartbeat and feel the softness of her soft bare breasts, I look up to shortly after for her to look back at me and smile so cutely making my slightly blush

"What are you reading my love?" I whispered playing with a strand of her hair

"I'm reading a book called 'Out' by Natsuo Kirino, It's a really good book. I bought this when we were in Beijing, It's one of my favorites" she said still trying to focus reading

I hmm in response and continue to cuddle with my girlfriend, resting my ear against her chest hearing the heart go 'poom, poom, poom' hearing it makes me feel honored to be in this position with her. After all the things I've said to her and times when i made her feel like she was undeserving of love, she still chose me. I love this girl with all my heart, yes, even when we have our moments she's still understanding, when I get frustrated with work and yell at her she's still kind and gentle, even when I forget to send her a love note in the morning she sends one that just fills my heart up with so much joy and love. I really don't deserve her, not at all. I'm truly blessed to have her in my life and I'll cherish it forever, I'll cherish her love, her words, her actions, her cooking, her advice, her comfort, I'll cherish it all not matter what

We eventually fall asleep once she was done with her reading for the night, we cuddled each other to sleep, saying 'I love you' and 'I love you too' back and forth. But this dream i had during the night didn't make our wholesome moment last too long...


In this dream, i was beat badly and so was Yuqi. When i look up I see her struggling for her life, tied up to a chair. I try and crawl to her, but I couldn't move, It felt like a weight was holding my feet down. I black figure comes out of nowhere with a knife in hand, it come up to me grabbing me by the throat, pinning me against the wall pressing the knife against my throat. It felt so real I could feel feel the edge if it grazing against my throat. I was scared, I tired to scream but nothing come out. I tried to call for Yuqi, but her head was down and was blood dripping from her which made me feel even worse. I repeatedly tired to yell and scream to get my lovers attention, but nothing I did worked. I only stopped when the black figure started speaking

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