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-Yuqi POV-

Weeks passed and Soyeon still hadn't woken up from her sleep and since Ryujin was arrested, Minnie had taken over until my lovers return. The other girls tired to convince me that she was just slowly recovering, but I knew it had to be something else. It was evening time, I stayed with Soyeon this whole time, not letting anyone else stay besides me. I held her hand as I sat in a chair by the bed, I kissed it time to time hoping that she would wake from her slumber. With my head looking towards the floor and my eyes closed, I spoke a prayer out loud

"If you can hear me up there, p-please wake my Yeon-ah up" I called tearily "I love her w-with all my h-heart, p-please I can't live w-without her "I cried now looking at the ceiling with closed eyes letting my tears roll down my cheeks and neck "P-please, God, bring her back t-to me. I beg of y-you, yes, I admit this is all my fault" I added starting to slightly calm down "she wouldn't be in this condition if it wasn't for me, I know I fucked up but you know as well as me I need her. Please bring her back, I love Soyeon too much to let her go so easily...I know you can do it....Amen.."

After the prayer I felt like a idiot, praying to the sky it seems. I suppress my tears and jus let the heart radar fill the room with my lovers beats, marking that she's still alive, but not awake like I want. I get a call from my phone, getting up from my chair I answer without looking putting it to my ear

"Hello?" I call tiredly rubbing my eyes

"Hey, Qi. It's Minnie, has Soyeon woken up yet? How's her heart rate? Most importantly, how are you?" the Thai asked kindly 

I sighed hardly taking a glace at Soyeon's monitor seeing that it was normal then looked at her. She had stiches at an angle on her eyebrow and patches on her cheeks, forehead and neck. let alone the long stitching with an almost see through patching she had on her stomach, it brought me much sorrow to even look at her knowing that this whole situation was all my fault. I swallow my tears and answer

"She's okay, no, she hasn't awaken yet and her monitor is just fine..." I replied

Silence fills the room, Minnie went quiet. It kind of put my on edge

"That's good to hear, I hope she wakes up soon. Me and Miyeon will be coming over to bring you some food Soojin made for you" she spoke softly "but you didn't answer my last question, how are you, Yuqi?" 

"I think I'm okay, still trying to process everything that's happened. But then again, none of this would have happened if it wasn't for me being stupid. She would be up and be in my arms" I said now letting my emotions show

I hear my best friend sigh, she clears her throat then speaks

"It's not your fault that you see the good in everyone, it's jut that sometimes you may over look it" she slightly chuckled and I did the same "but don't let this event take you over in seeing the good in everything, you're a ray of sunshine and if you let that go, what if someone that needs you light comes around and you're unable to give to them? Because you spending all you time on the past when you can focus on the now. People need you, Shuhua and mostly Soyeon needs you at this time, yes, it will be hard forgetting this event for maybe all your life but it's better then burning bridges of people you really love dearly. Please Yuqi, don't let Ryujin's actions ruin who you are and your relationship with us and Soyeon. You're such a strong girl, you can do this, we have your back as a family" she finished and I could hear the hurt in those last words

Minnie was right, I was so busy on just Soyeon that I didn't even think about how my other family was doing. It was also traumatizing to them too, with Soojin and Miyeon fearing they had lost their little sister. It must have been so scary for them, I could never imagine losing Shuhua, I can't even think of because it brings too much pain to think of such things. I wipe my tears, I didn't notice I was crying until I felt the AC hit under my chin

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