Behold Beijing (pt.2)

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(WARNING - MATURE MOMENT, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. I do advise people who are not comfortable with reading this kind of things to read ahead, again read at your own risk❤)

It was now around late afternoon, 7:15 to be exact. I hope Woogie is well, maybe I should take her out to eat again, hopefully it can bring her good memories and I'm hungry too.  I put on come casual clothing, grab my handbag and head out to Yuqi's room. I'm now in front of it, as I'm about to knock I hesitate for a moment but decide to do it anyway. Just as I'm about to pine the door it swings open leaving the both of us surprised and wide eye

"S-soyeon?" The younger stutters

I feel kind of awkward, I hope she doesn't think I was stalking her or something. I breath out softly and speak

"Are you hungry? I was hoping you could show me some good restaurants in the area" I ask politely 

"Yes, I do know some good pleases! I'll get my shoes" she says excitedly running back into her room like a little kid getting ready to leave for the park

I smile, she's so cute. I can't to spend some more time with her, hopefully we can go site seeing too. She comes out with her hand bag and shoes on, she has the biggest smile on her face which makes me smile just as big uncontrollably 

"Shall we?" She asks just waiting to run out of here

I nod and we make our way outside of the hotel, the breeze is strong and cold 'damn I should've brought a jacket's I thought shivering. When I look up at the girl shes practically dancing with the wind, her hair flowing along with it, making it able to see her full neck. The cold wind hitting her face and she smiles with pleasure, its almost soul pleasing to the younger like this, and I love it so much, I love her so much. She standing in the middle if the way looking over the gates if the forbidden city, I stand next to her also capturing the beauty if her home

"Woogie-ah, shakk we go eat now?" I tease

She looks at me with such pure eyes and the most angelic smile I have ever seen in my life. It just makes me want to kiss her so bad

"Yes, we shall" the girl returns

We head off to a small place call Little Yannun. We were greeted and given a table, we got our drinks and looked over our menus for our soon to be meal together. Since I dont k is much about Chinese food I'll ask Yuqi about it but she asked before I get to

"Are you going to order first?" She asked still focused on the menu

"Well, I would be I would have to use my phone translator to do so"

The younger laughs which makes me show a big smile towards her

"Woogie, I dont know much about good Chinese food. Do you mind helping me?" I ask politely giving a soft smile

"Yes of course!" She flips over the menus getting ready to tell me her requests "so, we should get steamed pork buns, chow mein, eggdrop soup and my personal favorite Beijing duck! Does that sound good to you Soyeon?" 

I'm absolutely clueless but I agree, it sounds good anyway and I'm hungry

"Yeah that's good, thanks Woogie" i replry looking over the alcohol choices 

"Anytime, and if you want some good alcohol get baijiu, gets you drunk fast" she winks

I nod in return, not long after she helps order the food and alcohol. So while we wait for out food I try to make conversation 

"So, how are you feeling so far? This trio bringing back any memories?" I ask intrested 

"Yes, I've missed my home a lot. I'm glad I could come here and see it again even if it's not for a long time" she smiles

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