Serenas Plan

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This is another chapter I have been working on explaining Serenas side of the story while Ash is with May but hope y'all enjoy and I'll keep on making these chapters and I'll work on making them longer and I have some other things in store but thank you and hope y'all enjoy

(Serena and Meitte walked down the street after leaving Meittes hideout where Serena was being held hostage but while they walked Meitte ordered a one way trip to Johto on her phone to get Serena as far away from Ash as possible)

(Meitte looked at Serena and Serena was nervous because she didn't wanna get injured by slurpuff and she also had her ditto in her bag which could morph into a Pokémon that could seriously injure Serena if told to do so)

They walked down the hill untill they reached town, people and Pokémon walked the streets and Serena wanted to scream to get away from Meitte but didn't wanna put on a show and possibly get beaten down by Meittes Pokémon
Serena then came up with a plan when she saw a Pokemon Center in the distance directly in there path((NOT THE ONE HER AND ASH STAYED AT)) up ahead and figured if she could make Meitte bruise herself by tripping her or pushing her she would go into the Pokemon center to get treated for her scrapes and bruises and then Serena could plan her escape and possibly signal Nurse Joy for help

(Keep in mind Serena left her pokeballs in the Pokémon center that she was staying at before she got kidnapped in the drawer) she prayed Ash saw them and questioned her absent and not believe that fake crap on the note Meitte Left)

Meitte walked with Serena who looked abit nervous like if she was planning something

Meitte((whispering to Serena))—Remember don't try anything otherwise things will get very ugly for you

(All Serena could think about was Ash and what was taking him so long to find out she was missing or if he actually believed that fake note and left if so she would be devastated)

The two girls kept walking until the Pokémon center was right infront of them and there were many pastry shops and restaurants around so slurpuff was busy smelling everything and was distracted and Serena had to come up with a plan quickly bc they were about to pass the Pokémon center and she needed to trip Meitte if not she would be screwed and just then she saw a little Phanpy playing with a ball and with some kids and that was Serenas big break

(Serena put her hands to her side and waved the arm farthest from Meitte to get the Phanpys attention
Phanpy hit the ball over with a power move Serena quickly moved out of the way and the ball hit Meitte in the head and caused her to fall over on the pavement)

(Meitte got up and her fore arm and leg were all scratched and bleeding abit and her clothes were dirty from the ground and she felt embarrassed and told Serena and slurpuff they were gonna make a stop at the Pokémon center)

Meitte—I can't look like a dump how will Ash ever love me ugh (she gave the Phanpy a glare of anger and the Phanpy ran away along with the kids who were scared of consequences)

(Meitte Serena and Slurpuff entered the Pokémon center)

Nurse Joy—Welcome to the Pokémon center how can I assist you

Meitte—(innocently) Hi nurse Joy I accidentally had a nasty fall outside can I get a Band aid and some wet wipes for my clothes

Nurse Joy—of course but we need to disinfect your scraped knee and arm first please step into the back room while I get some rubbing alcohol for your cut and bandage you up

Meitte—Thank you , okay now Serena and slurpuff stay here in the lobby and don't wander off (talking innocently but staring at Serena menacingly)

(Meitte disappeared into the back room and Serena needed a way to escape from Slurpuff)

Serena then heard "DOOM DOOM HOUND" she turned around and it was a Houndoom and it looked hungry and since Slurpuff looked like candy and smelled like it Houndoom thought it was food Houndoom chargered forward at full speed and Slurpuff didn't have time to react and got hit directly and knocked Slurpuff out and just as Serena was getting ready to run she heard a familiar voice

"Houndoom no bad Pokémon that's not food!!! Cmon your embarrassing me Ummm sorry nothing to see here folks"

She looked in the direction of the voice it was Calem an old Childhood friend

She was relived and asked Calem for help but before she could ask
Calem kept interrupting her

Calem—Hi Serena how are you

Serena—I'm good but I need......

Calem—I saw you in the competitions here in Hoenn and the showcases in Kalos

Serena—Thank you but...

Calem—What are you doing in Hoenn

Serena—CALEM LISTEN!!  There is a girl with blue short hair in the back and that Slurpuff is her Pokémon they held me captive bc she is obsessed with my boyfriend so please help me I can't fight back bc I don't have my Pokémon and......

Calem—Don't worry I will protect you
(He said stepping infront of Serena and calling Houndoom over as Slurpuff was beginning to wake up)

Serena—Thank you
(Catching her breath)

Calem—But where is this boyfriend of yours

Serena—idk he's...

Calem—-Wait so you don't know where he is?!?!

Serena—well no but.

Calem—(Turns around) he's not here to protect you but I am

Serena—he doesn't know where I am either that's why he's not here

(Calem pulled Serena closer to him by her waist)

Serena—Wait Calem I have a boyfriend your cool and everything but me and you are only friends and that's it.

Calem—I have been watching your show cases and competitions and I must say your stunning and beautiful but your boyfriend doesn't care otherwise he would be here protecting you

Serena—He does love me I know that for a fact but...

(Calem brought Serena in for a kiss on the lips and as soon as their lips made contact the doors to the Pokémon center
Opened wide and in walked May and Ash)

WHOA!!!!!!!!!! lol sorry y'all but I'm hyped for my own fan fic and I'm the one who's writing it but I'm acting like idk what's gonna happen haha but anyways hope y'all enjoyed and I couldn't sleep last night so I wrote the next chapter and it will be up here soon but in the mean time see y'all later


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