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(Everybody celebrated Ash's victory against Alan in the Kalos Battle Festival the stadium was full of cheers but then the unthinkable happened)

(Zyguard appeared and warned any people with negative intentions to be warned due to Zyguard feeling the presence of a powerful evil but then The ground began to shake violently rocking the stadium back and forth throwing people from there seats......people believed it was an earthquake but they were wrong)

(The ground began to crack open and create enormous craters then silence over took the stadium temporarily then enormous Crystals reached high into the sky like a wild fortress and was engulfing the entire stadium while people panicked and were running they all heard a big boom and a big roar that caught everyone's attention)

(A Salamance was flying above the center of the field with a man on his back he wore a black suit with red outlines and had wild orange hair with scars on his face)

(Ash and Alan saw the man and got flash backs to who it was.......his face was one burned into there head for the rest of there life

Ash and Alan—It's Lysander!!!

Ash—I thought this b*tch was dead

Lysander—Greetings people of Kalos my name is Lysander do not be alarmed for I'm the real protector and peace keeper of Kalos not this pokemon

(He pointed at Zyguard in disgust)

Lysander—I come baring the marking of salvation of this corrupt world.....today we start a new world with new order and better lives for all who bow and follow me you see I have escaped certain death last time I tried to purify this world which means I'm destined to save this world no matter the cost.

(Zyguard then got closer to Lysandre)

Zyguard—Listen to me Bringer of chaos and darkness you shall not upset the balance of Kalos or any other region for that matter surrender now and I won't kill you

Lysander—Kill me (laughs like a madman)
Not possible not with my new secret weapon

(Lysandre pulled back his sleeve to reveal a watch of some kind and he pressed it and looked to the sky for a moment nothing happened then the sky began to break and tore a hole in the sky itself)

Ash—No way it can't be?!?!


Mallow—Is that?!?!

Lillie—It's not possible!!!!

Kiawe—An ultra worm hole??

Lillie—I thought they could only open in Alola!!

(Then suddenly something was attempting to squeeze through the ultra worm hole and it finally made its way through landing on the field almost squishing Alan and Ash if they hadn't moved out of the way)

(The smoke cleared and there stood a very large and angry Guzzlord but he looked different he looked like some of his body parts were made of metal and rock)

Lysandre—Meet my new gem of order he shall help me restore perfection to this chaotic world

(Officer Jenny and some officers raced to the fields and called out there Pokémon to shoot down Lysandre from the sky)

Lysandre—How cute they are attempting to fight back well I prepared for this

(Lysandre yelled into his ear piece)

(Out of the Locker room area showed up Shadow and another person who wore a Charzard mask) (we will call him Nightmare to avoid confusion)
Nightmare=2nd mystery person
As well as Lysander throwing down about 20 pokeballs which were more corrupt Pokémon and they began to attack everyone in sight to cause chaos in the crowd

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