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Sunday Morning in Alola

(Serena had woken up and was packing some finals things in her bags getting ready to travel to Kanto tomorrow)

(Serena then saw the picture Rowlet gave her)

Serena—Ash please be in Kanto all I want is one chance to explain everything and I want to be with you again

(Pancham Sylveon and Delphox were worried for Serena so they went up and hugged her)

Serena—Thank you guys your the best I love you as well

(Serena packed and left her duffle bag ready to go on the couch and carried her little backpack with her but she put the picture in her little backpack aswell)

Serena—Please please be in Kanto Ashy

(Serena then heard a knock on the door and opened it it was Mallow and Lana)

Lana—Hey Serena

Serena—Hi Lana

Mallow—Sorry we were late we lost track of time but cmon we have to get to the Pokémon school to surprise Sophocles


(All girls left the Pokémon center heading to the Pokemon school)

(Girls get to the Pokemon school)

(Lillie was setting up Ballon's and streamers)

Lillie—Hi Serena

Serena—Hi Lillie

Lana—How are the decorations coming along!

Lillie—Great and Kiawe went to greet Sophocles at the airport

Mallow—Awesome everything is according to plan

Serena—Wait if Kiawe went to greet Sophocles won't he expect something is up and it's no longer a surprise party?

Mallow—No worries his parents are in on it they told Sophocles they couldn't make it to the airport due to a "meeting" and that Kiawe was gonna pick him up


(Lillie panicked bc she looked off the balcony and saw a Charzard on the way to the school and land in the school yard)

Lillie—He's coming everyone hide

(All the girls hide)

(They hear steps coming up the stairs)

Kiawe—Quit being a baby I just need to grab my notebook and then I can take you home

Sophocles—being on a plane makes me hungry

Kiawe—Is there anything that doesn't make you hungry


(They walk into the room and everyone pops out from hiding)


(Sophocles backed up in shock then laughed)

Sophocles—You guys you trying to scare me

Mallow—Welcome back Sophocles we missed you

Lillie—Yeah it's not the same here without you

(Lana gave Sophocles a long hug)

Lana—Yeah but we're glad your back

Kiawe—Now are you happy and not gonna whine like a baby

Sophocles—Hey hunger makes any man whine

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