Heartbreak or Misunderstanding??

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New chapter Alert lol but here is the new chapter I promised but there is more Chapters to come but for now I hope you enjoy this one hopefully y'all still like this fic but that's all for now enjoy the chapter.....

(Calem brought Serena in for a kiss on the lips it all happened so quickly Serena didn't have time to act but as soon as their lips made contact the doors to the Pokémon center
opened and in walked Ash and May)

May—Please Ash just breathe and relax you were feeling good at the ice cream shop now your starting to feel depressed again cmon now let's just get Blazikens foot checked out it may be sprained and I wanna make sure it's not in pain then we can walk around and talk for abit okay?

(Pikachu was on Ash's shoulder trying to make him feel better by snuggling up to Ash)

Ash—it was ice cream you can't be sad with food and yeah I guess I can hang around Abit longer but cut me some slack I'm sorry I'm emotional but remember it's bc I just got dumped by......

(Ash stops with his eyes wide open and they begin to tear up)

May—(May turns around and faces Ash but May hasn't seen Serena yet)
Ash what's wrong now cmon just breath and try not to think about Sere.... (May turns around) .....Oh

(May and Ash see Serena kissing Calem)

(Serena and Calem break the kiss and Serena sees Ash from the corner of her eye and she knows she's in a bad misunderstanding situation but Serena pushed Calem away and backed away from him)


(Serena looks at Ash who is looking at her directly and she realizes how bad she looks right now bc of the kiss)

Serena—ASHY!!! I was hoping you were okay let me explain why...(Serena gets closer for a hug)

(Ash backed away slowly with tears in his eyes he turned around and ran out of the Pokémon center and Serena chased after him)

Serena—ASH WAIT!!!

Ash runs outside and calls out his pokemon


(Ash throws his Pokeball and out comes a dragon with fire on its tail and with a huge roar)

(Ash gets on Charzards back and flies away as fast as he can)


(Serena watches as Ash becomes farther and farther away until he disappears high into the sky)

(Serena angrily walked back into the pokemon center and slapped Calem in the face)

Serena—That was my boyfriend you upset I told you I was taken but listen carefully don't ever kiss me again you hear me I don't even want you in the same room as me understand!!!!!!!

(Calem nodded while scared out of his mind and he left the Pokémon center with a giant hand mark on his cheek)

(Everyone in the Pokémon center looked away after Calem left just to keep themselves out of the drama)

(May walked up to Serena)

May—Umm Serena one tiny question WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!

(Serena sat down in defeat)
Serena—it wasn't my fault Calem just kissed me against my will.

May—You enjoyed that kiss didn't you (May said with an angry tone) you only broke it when you saw me and Ash!!!! So that means you really don't want anything to do with Ash anymore you do realize you hurt him and that note you left was just cruel I was having my doubts that it wasn't you who broke his heart but apparently I was wrong you actually did break his heart.

Serena—No I swear I was breaking the kiss anyways and you both just happened to walk in

*Meitte was close by hearing the whole conversation but staying out of sight but she saw the incident with Calem so Meitte called Slurpuff back into its Pokeball and decided to leave Serena alone bc the damage was done Ash was broken because of Serena so there was no need for sabotage anymore

Meitte whispered to herself—my goodness this is perfect now that Ash believes Serena left him I just need to show up and sweet talk him and he's all mine (Meitte runs out of the Pokémon center now the next phase of her plan is to find out where Ash flew off too and work her charm)

(Serena then explained the situation to May and May was hesitant at first she didn't know what to believe but then she understood bc she could see the pain in Serena's eyes)

May—so what now Ash can be anywhere in Hoenn by now and with a broken heart

Serena-I know I know!! Omg that Meitte has been a pain in my side ever since I met her she's always tried to take Ash from me and I'm afraid she may have succeeded........

(Serena began to tear up while May hugged her)



I can't believe it was actually true I was having my doubts that Serena actually dumped me bc May told me how Serena would always talk about me and miss me and that is why I walked with May bc she was making me feel better I was still kinda emotional but a bit better but I can't believe Serena found someone else and was kissing him?!?! I mean I should be happy for her bc she's happy and her happiness means everything to me but I'm just so hurt I can't think straight

(Charzard and Ash had been flying for abit and Charzard started to look tired and then Ash realized something)

(Ash thinking to himself)—I can't fly all the way to the Kanto Region on my Charzard it's to far that's why I was gonna take a plane but I already passed the airport

(Ash looked at his Rotom Pokédex Map wondering where he could land preferably somewhere he knew then he realized)

Ash—the Kalos region is not to far well it looks like I'll be paying a visit to Clemont and Bonnie maybe I could stay with them for a few days untill I feel better

(Pikachu nodded in approval)

(Ash headed to Kalos to meet up with old friends..........)

(Ash weak chuckles at himself)—Wow ironic I can't believe I'm going back to the Region where I was reunited with Serena seems odd in the state I'm in I would assume I would wanna get away from this Region but Clemont and Bonnie are great friends and they would understand and help me so it's worth going back.


(It was getting dark outside and Nurse Joy did her rounds around the rooms upstairs that people had checked out from she was sweeping and making beds while Wigglutuff watched for people downstairs)

(Nurse Joy was Humming while cleaning and sweeping then she got to the room where Ash and Serena stayed in she began sweeping and cleaning but when it was time to take out the garbage in the bedroom near the night stand she found something shocking.......)

What did Nurse Joy find Oooooooooooo spooky lol sorry y'all I'm just messing around but hopefully y'all liked this chapter I'll try to update this fanfic regularly but other then that I really have nothing else to say so be safe everyone and see you in the next chapter


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