Chapter Two

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"Do you want some tea?" Erza asked Lucy.

Lucy smiled. "Yes please."

Erza nodded her head and put the kettle on. Once it boiled, she got two mugs out and poured the water into them, adding tea bags straight after.

"Here you go." Erza said as she gave Lucy one of the mugs.

"Thanks." Lucy whispered, taking a sip out of the drink.

Erza cleared her throat. "Are you going to the Guild today?"

"I'm not sure if I should."

"I highly doubt Natsu is going to be there. He's stupid, but not that stupid."

"What about everyone else?"

"Fuck 'em."

Lucy laughed slightly. "Who are you, and what have you done with Erza Scarlet?"

The Titania shrugged. "I'm allowed to swear occasionally."

"Once we finish our drinks, we'll head to the Guild." Lucy told her. "If that's alright with you."

Erza smiled. "Of course."

After the girls had finished their tea, they began to walk to the Guild.

"Can I ask you a question?" Erza asked.


"Why didn't you tell me about what Natsu did straight after it happened?"

"I wanted to." Lucy sighed. "But Natsu kept denying that it happened."

Erza nodded her head. "I hate how I never realised something was wrong."

"I made sure no one would find out." Lucy told her. "I was scared, no, terrified that he would do it again."

"I understand. Ugh, he annoys me so much." Erza looked at Lucy and sighed. "Sorry, I know that you must hate him so much more than me, yet here I am ranting on about how much I despise him."

Lucy smiled slightly. "It's comforting to know that someone else doesn't like him too, especially knowing how close we all were."

Erza scoffed. "I feel disgusted with myself for thinking of him as a brother."

"You didn't know what he was like, don't blame yourself, he hit it well."


The Titania hadn't even realised they had arrived at the Guild until she heard the doors being opened by Lucy.

"Hey Lucy!! Hey Erza!!" Mirajane greeted them with a massive smile.

"Hey Mira." Both girls responded as they walked over to the bar where Wendy looked as though she was being interviewed by a drunk Cana.

"Cana, what are you doing?" Erza asked in an annoyed tone.

"Questioning the girl." Cana slurred on her words. "Wondering why she supports the sex offender."

Wendy stood up, the chair falling to the floor behind her. "He's not a fucking rapist!!"

Cana stood up as well and got in the younger girls face. "Trying to intimidate me are you?!"

Erza pushed Cana away. "Back off!"

"Why are you standing up for him?!" Cana exclaimed.

"I am not standing up for Natsu!" Erza shouted. "I am defending a 12 year old girl who is being harassed by you."

Cana took a step back and looked at the floor. She put a hand on her forehead and sighed.

Erza turned to Wendy and put a hand on her shoulder. "You alright?"

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