Chapter Nine

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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒚

"Natsu! Gray!" Erza shouted as she banged on the door to Gray's house. "Open up!!"

The door opened, and there stood Natsu.

The Titania pulled him into a tight hug. "Gramps said you guys aren't in Fairy Tail anymore."


Erza split the hug and put her hands on his shoulders. "What happened?"

"Gramps kicked me out because I wasn't doing as he said, and Gray left." Natsu explained. "We're screwed, Erza."

"I'll speak to the Master." Erza replied. "But you need to make sure you do as he says, okay?"

Natsu rolled his eyes. "He was keeping me locked up, and he still wants to."

"I have an idea." Erza sighed. "Just stay there."


Erza headed to the Guild and once she got there, she headed straight to The Guild Master's office. She sat down in front of Gramps and smiled.

"What brings you here?" The Master asked.

"Natsu and Gray should be here." Erza replied. "They're two of your strongest wizards, and they've been here for years."

Gramps put his head in his hand. "They're not my responsibility anymore."

"They don't need to be." The Titania said. "I can look after Natsu with Gray."

"That's not the reason I kicked him out." He told her. "He couldn't follow my orders."

Erza clenched her fists, trying to stop herself from having a go at him. "Natsu has the right to have an opinion, same with Gray."

Gramps sighed. "You're right."

Erza looked shocked.

"I will bring Natsu back on one condition."

Erza nodded.

"He needs to come here and speak to me."

"I'll go get him." Erza replied. "What about Gray?"

"Bring him here, too." The man replied.

Erza nodded her head and left the room. She got her phone out and sent the Dragon Slayer a message.

After a few minutes, she walked into the Guild Hall and noticed Natsu and Gray walking in. She smiled at them, and they smiled back.

"Gramps wants to speak to you guys." She told them.

"Gray, go first." Mira ordered. "We all want to speak to you, Natsu."

Gray nodded his head and went into the Master's office.

Natsu raised an eyebrow. "What's up?"

Cana walked towards Natsu and pulled him into a hug. He hugged back, clenching his fists to stop himself from crying. She pulled away and smiled.

"I'm so sorry, Natsu." She apologised.

Natsu put a hand on her shoulder. "It's fine, you didn't know."

"We wanted to ask how you're doing." Mira spoke for the Guild. "And we also wanted to ask about what Lucy did to you if that's alright."

"I'm fine." Natsu replied. "And yeah, ask anything about Lucy."

Mira didn't look convinced. "We're all here for you, Natsu. You don't need to hide behind a mask."

There were tears in Natsu's eyes. "Here come the water works." He laughed.

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