Chapter Seven

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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒚

Natsu woke up and realised that he was in the Guild's infirmary. His heart began to beat faster.

"You're awake." Laxus said. "Thought you had died, to be honest."

Natsu put his head in his hands. "I feel like I'm gonna throw up."

Laxus looked worried. "Really?"

Natsu nodded and quickly got up. He ran downstairs into the Guild Hall, causing everyone to go silent.

"Hi." He said and looked at the bathroom. "Bye!"

He ran into the bathroom and into one of the stalls. He put his head above the toilet and threw up into it.

He sat back and looked at his shaking hands and feeling tears in his eyes.

"Shit." He mumbled to himself.

Anger went through his body. "Fuck!" He shouted, repeatedly punching the floor.

The bathroom doors flew open as Gajeel rushed in to stop the boy from hurting his hand.

"Stop!" Gajeel shouted, grabbing onto Natsu's arm. "You're bleeding."

Natsu burst into tears. "I can't take this shit anymore, I'm fucking done"

"You're only making it worse by taking drugs." Gajeel told him. "And cutting yourself."

Natsu raised an eyebrow. "How the fuck do you know about that?"

"I'm a dragon slayer, I could smell it."

Natsu sighed. "I'm not addicted to drugs."

"I know." Gajeel replied and helped Natsu up. "Let's get your hand sorted out."

Natsu nodded and followed Gajeel into the Guild Hall. It wasn't as busy as it usually was, but there were still a lot of people which made the salmon teen feel uncomfortable.

"Is Wendy here?" Gajeel asked to no one in particular.

Mirajane shook her head. "What happened?"

Natsu walked towards the girl and showed her his hand. She took him into the Guild's kitchen and got a med kit out from under the sink.

"Where are Erza and Gray?" The dragon slayer asked as Mira began to wrap a bandage around his hand.

Mira looked slightly upset. "You pushed Erza away, she doesn't want to speak to you."

"Oh." Natsu looked down. "What about Gray?"

"Gramps sent him home." Mira replied as she finished applying the bandage. "He'll be back later."

Natsu nodded. "Thanks for helping with my hand."

"No problem."

Natsu walked back out into the Guild Hall and saw Gramps walking towards him.

"I am really disappointed in you, boy." The Master told him. "You're going to be staying in the infirmary for a few days."

"What?!" Natsu exclaimed. "That's unfair!!"

"Quiet!" The Master yelled. "You will do what I say and when I say it. You are staying here until I can trust you to be responsible!"

Natsu ran into the infirmary and sat on one of the beds, bursting into tears as he did.

𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒚

Gray was on his way to the Guild to check up on Natsu, and once he arrived, everyone looked worried.

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