Chapter Eleven

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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒚

Natsu walked along the lake in the dark. Only the sound of the wind could be heard.

Natsu took his phone out of his pocket and checked the time. 3am. He put his phone back in his pocket and wiped his eyes, feeling the tiredness start to hit him.

After walking for a couple more minutes, he reached Gray's house.

He unlocked the door and opened it slowly, being careful not to make a loud noise. He walked in and gently closed it behind him and locked it. He turned around and jumped when he saw a little shadow.

"Where have you been?" A certain blue cat asked.

Natsu put the keys down on the side. "I went for a walk."

"At 3am?" The cat didn't look convinced. "Yeah, right."

Happy flew towards Natsu and looked slightly worried when he noticed blood on the Dragon Slayer's clothes.

"Are you hurt?"


"How did you get that?"

"I fell over." Natsu replied. "I didn't even realise there was any blood until you pointed it out."

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" Happy asked. "We can watch an Avengers movie?"

"Sure." Natsu smiled slightly. "You put the movie on while I go to the toilet."


Natsu walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He looked at himself in the mirror and noticed a red mark on his cheek.

He looked at his knuckles and noticed that they were slightly red and cracked.

"Fuck." He mumbled under his breath.

There was a loud noise from the living room, and Natsu walked out of the bathroom to check out what it was. He saw Happy sat on the sofa holding onto a TV remote.

"What happened?" Natsu asked.

"The TV was really loud when I turned it on." Happy replied.


Natsu sat down next to Happy and took the TV remote out of his hands. He put an Avengers movie on and put the remote on the side.

𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓

Gray walked into the living room and saw Natsu asleep on the sofa with a sleeping Happy in his arms. They both looked so peaceful.

Gray noticed that the TV was on, and he looked at the screen to see an advert playing. He picked up the remote and turned the TV off, putting it back down on the sofa.

A red mark on Natsu's cheek brought the attention of the Ice Mage. It looked like he had been punched in the face. There was also a blood stain just under his nose. What the hell had happened?

There was a knock at the door and Gray went to answer it. When he opened it, he saw Yuka Suzuki.

"Where is Natsu?!" He shouted as he stormed into the house, looking around for the Dragon Slayer.

Gray followed Yuka into the living room.

Natsu looked at Yuka and raised an eyebrow. "Am I dreaming?"

"Nah, I'm seeing him too." Happy replied.

Natsu stood up and walked towards Yuka. "What do you want?"

Yuka punched Natsu in the face, causing him to fall to the ground, blood pouring out of his nose. Yuka went down to his level and grabbed his scarf, pulling him close to his face.

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