Chapter Six

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Natsu was pacing up and down the living room in Gray's house. The Ice Mage had gone out with Happy to get some fish since the cat had eaten all of it, leaving Natsu alone with his thoughts.

How had he not noticed that Lucy was touching him and recording him? Natsu always knew he was a deep sleeper, but surely he'd notice that. And had Lucy sent it to anyone?

There was no way he could ever trust anyone again. Lucy had broken his trust so much. Anyone around him could do anything to him, and Lucy made him realise that.

Natsu sighed and walked into the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. He had bags under his eyes from a lack of sleep, and his hair was greasy from not taking care of himself. His teeth were slightly yellow due to his lack of effort to brush them.

Tears began to roll down his cheeks. He felt like someone had stabbed him right in the chest. It's unfair. Why did she have to do this to him. She's ruined him forever.

Natsu heard a door open and realised Gray and Happy had come back.

The Dragon Slayer froze. He didn't know what to do. If he left the bathroom, they would know he'd be crying, but if he stayed in the bathroom, they'd become suspicious. The door was open, so they could just walk in if they wanted to.

"Natsu!" Gray called out.

"Yeah!" Natsu replied, his voice cracking.

"Come here."

Natsu walked out of the room, completely forgetting to wipe his tears away.

As he walked into the room, he noticed the concern on Happy and Gray's faces.

"You needed me?" Natsu asked.

Gray nodded his head slowly. "I got you some spaghetti, and I was wondering if you wanted some."

Natsu shook his head. "Thanks, though."

Gray smiled and put the fish he bought in the fridge. He put the spaghetti in the cupboard and went into the living room with Happy following him.

"Aren't you gonna ask Natsu if he's alright?" The blue cat asked.

Gray sighed. "I don't think he wants to speak about it."

"But what if he does?"

"Then he'll come in here."

Happy looked down. "Okay."

𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑵𝒂𝒕𝒔𝒖

Natsu caught his eye on a sharp knife. It was calling for him. Calling to be used. It wanted to draw blood.

The Dragon Slayer blinked and looked away.

He was perfectly fine before he met Lucy. He just wanted to be fine again. Everything was becoming too much for him to handle.

He sighed and turned his phone on. The first thing he saw was a photo of Lucy, which caused him to cry again.

As weird as it sounds, he missed her. He didn't miss being hurt. He missed when she was nice. She had a soft side like many people, but she also had a bad side, which the Dragon Slayer knew all too well.

Natsu walked into the bedroom and sat down on the bed. He honestly didn't know what to do with himself. He was overwhelmed with the amount of emotions he was feeling. There were just so many of them, and they all felt extremely heavy in his chest.

There was no way he could go on like this. It was going to kill him. He needs to open up, properly this time.

The Dragon Slayer stood up and walked into the living room where Gray was on his phone, and Happy was lost in his thoughts.

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