Chapter Three

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Lucy walked out of her house and locked the door behind her. She began to walk to court and rolled her eyes when she saw Wendy walking down the street. As they got closer, Wendy tripped Lucy over.

Lucy turned around to look at her. "What is your problem with me?!"

Wendy looked guilty. "I am so sorry, Lucy!!"

"No, you're not." Lucy got in the girls face. "You need to stay away from me."

"What are you actually gonna do?"

A slap was heard. At first, Wendy hadn't even realised she was the one who got slapped.

"Wendy!!" A familiar voice was heard, followed by footsteps.

Wendy turned around and saw Erza running towards her. The girl ran towards her as well and was embraced into a tight hug. She also heard the sound of Carla flying behind her.

Erza split the hug and put her hands on Wendy's cheeks. "Are you okay?"

Wendy burst into tears.

"Come on, let's get you to my place." Erza said in a soft tone.

Wendy nodded her head and followed Erza along with Carla to the Titania's house. When they arrived, Erza sat them both down on the sofa.

"What happened?" Erza asked.

"Me and Carla stole Lucy's phone." Wendy admitted. "We wanted to find proof of what she did to Natsu."

Erza looked at Carla. "Is this true?"

The cat passed the phone to Erza. "See what you can find."

The Titania sighed. "There better be something on here for your sakes."

Erza turned the phone on and rolled her eyes when she saw that a password was needed to unlock the phone.

"When is her birthday?"

"I don't know." Wendy and Carla responded in unison.

"Natsu would know. Wendy, call him." Erza ordered.

The girl nodded her head and called Natsu. He answered after about 5 seconds, and Wendy put him on speaker so everyone could hear him.

"Hey, um, Erza ordered me not to speak to you." He said nervously.

"Well, I'm here, and we want to know Lucy's birthday." Erza sounded desperate.

"First of July." He replied, sounded curious.

Erza typed it into the phone. "I'm in."

"I-" Natsu was interrupted by Wendy hanging up on him.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Asked Carla.

"Go into her messages with Natsu, maybe?" Wendy suggested.

"That's quite invasive, though." Erza disagreed. "Maybe we should look in her camera roll?"

Carla raised an eyebrow. "What the hell would be in there?"

"I don't know." Erza replied as she started to look through Lucy's camera roll.

After about a minute, she found a video of Natsu sitting on the bed holding something small. She clicked on it and flinched when she heard Lucy's voice say; "slit your wrists, you piece of shit."

Erza paid all of her attention to the video. She saw something she had never seen before; the pure terror in Natsu's eyes. She watched as he cut his own wrists.

She gave the phone back to Carla. "I can't watch anymore, I'm sorry." She said as she ran into the bathroom.

She was angry at herself for believing Lucy over Natsu. That boy needed her, and she let him down. How could she ever be forgiven?

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