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chapter two: roman numerals

SERAPHINA COULD NOT THROW KNIVES, shoot arrows or stab people with swords. She couldn't dodge a punch or a kick, she couldn't tie a knot or set a trap. So, to say she was going to use the training week wisely would be an understatement. She didn't really care if the tributes could spot her weaknesses, the girl wanted to spend each day trying to learn something she could use to survive, taking the advice from Haymitch.

Stations were set up around the large room, with each tributes scattered. She took notice of the career tributes, the ones Haymitch had told her about, from districts 1, 2 and 4 — all crowding around the weapons and fighting stations. She almost scoffed at them, blocking anyone else's chances at winning this.

The night after their introduction, Christian and Seraphina had stayed up late to watch all the other tributes readings.

District 1: Cornelius Heavenslee and Starla Allenshot
• both volunteered at the age of 18, deadly strong.

District 2: Zeus Stranson and Clemenda Hadley
• again, volunteered at 17 and 18, just as deadly

District 3: Clifford Steep and Jeanie Claude
reaped at 13 and 15

District 4: Maddox Seal and Oceana Triph
both volunteered at 16 and 17

The list went on.. and on... and Seraphina kept staring at them, wondering which would kill her, kill Christian.

The survival skills station wasn't busy, so Seraphina decided to start there. She spent the first 3 days trying to master the knots, traps and camouflage stations, but she was starting to get frustrated at the lack of fighting skills she was learning, all because of the careers and their bullying to anyone who attempted to come close.

Finally, on day 4, Christian decided to do something about it. He gave Seraphina a glance before his rage took over him. She tried to stop him, but he shrugged her hand that was holding him back off and stormed towards them. Careful not to be physical, due to the lingering rule of no physical fights before the games, his skinny figure slipped in between the district 4 boy, Maddox, and the district 1 girl, Starla.

"Apologies," he muttered sarcastically, a smirk on his face as he grabbed 2 knives that had been left unattended.

He ignored their sniggers, the loud laughs and mockery not phasing him as he aimed delicately at the human shaped target, and threw the knife, landing directly on it's heart.

Their laughs stops, other tributes stopped to watch the scene as Christian hit the other target in the neck.

"See the trick is," he began, holding the end of the dagger to point to the wooden holder as he turned to the loud boy from district 2, Zeus. "Make sure your actually holding the knife right before you fucking embarrass yourself and your family watching."

Zeus glared back at him, his tall figure trying to dominant over the smaller blonde as he sized up to him. "Step the fuck back, 8, before I skin you alive in that arena."

"I doubt your slow ass could catch me," Christian chuckled, turning away from him unfazed before gesturing to Seraphina. She hesitantly walked over, trying to seem as confident as him. "We're gonna use this station now, how bout you try going for a run? Get those big thighs moving!"

𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐌𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐖 ❀ the hunger gamesWhere stories live. Discover now