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chapter three: the alliance

THERE WAS SOMETHING SO THRILLING about breaking the rules, something Seraphina hadn't experienced before.

Growing up, she always abided to her mothers strict rules. No singing outside the house, no out of the house after dark, no boys. They were rules the girl didn't dare break.

It was only now when she would decide to break a rule, one that could cost her her life. And it was thrilling.

It's what landed her here, the 6th day into the week of training on the roof of the tribute apartments with Finnick Odair, her new (sort of) mentor. It was darker than normal, the only thing illuminating them being the bright lights from neighbouring buildings and the few lights displayed across the rooftop.

Finnick had brought a large mat with him — how he managed to get it up here? Seraphina didn't know — that allowed the two to practice the girl's defence and offence.

"Again," Finnick commanded for about the 10th time that night, watching as the girl panted for breath. Despite being completely out of breath and still useless in self defence, she had yet to complain.

Seraphina gave him a nod, placing both hands on her hips as she took her place once more. She stood tall, pushing her shoulders back before nodding again to state she was ready. She watched as his broadened shoulders pushed back as he held his hands up and gestured her to him with his ring and middle finger.

She ran at him, attempting to swing at him only for the man to block it like he had done all her other moves. The girl quickly grabbed his arm he used to block and twisted it, momentarily disarming him so she could shove him to the ground. Finnick's broad chest remained still, however, her moment of shock giving him the chance to spin her around.

Seraphina quickly lost her balance, almost falling on her face before Finnick caught her. She repelled into him, her chest colliding with his mid torso. She let out a huff of dissatisfaction, pulling herself from his grasp as she went back to her spot on the matt.

Finnick watched her, his breath uneven as he drank from the water bottle he brought. "You're acting too irrational."

"It's hard to be calm when someones trying to kill you," she defended, her hands on her hips and she looked up at him. "Plus, I don't— I can't see myself running at someone, Finnick. I don't want to kill someone purposefully."

"Do you think anyone of those tributes want to kill?" He questioned, placing the water down as he stepped back towards the matt. "If you want to win this, you're going to have to kill at least one person. Have you got a strategy yet?"

She slowly nodded. "I was planning on running, staying away from everyone until its down to a few people. I spent a lot of time at the survival stations, and I've always been quick on my feet."

The man nodded back, assessing her tactics with approval before he stepped closer. "You do good in your interview, you get some sponsors... that'll be helpful if Atticus decides to send you them — which he will. But you're not coming out of that arena if you can't defend yourself."

The girl knew what he meant. Seraphina could run her way from all 24 tributes to 2, but if she couldn't fight back she wouldn't win. 2nd place doesn't mean anything, she had to remember that.

𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐌𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐖 ❀ the hunger gamesWhere stories live. Discover now