Chapter 2: Worthy

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I'll Remember

Chapter 2


Horrible...just horrible. He put the fork down on the tray and glared at the food as if it were a demon chosen to off him. He picked up the coffee as he took stock of the overcooked bacon, over salted eggs, and the limp fruit bowl that lay before him. How could anyone eat that and survive? Even the jello looked horribly under ready and very watery. Coffee for breakfast it is.

"You could turn off your taste buds." He looked up from his cup at the woman standing in the doorway with a clipboard in hand. A small pen stuck from the bun on top of her head. The lab coat around her shoulder told him that she was a doctor.

"Turn them off? But I like to taste food." He told her, the woman giggled and shook her head pointing at the food.

"Not that one you don't." Okay that made sense. He chuckled as he looked at the horrible excuse for breakfast. "I think they do this on purpose with you." She pushed her glasses back onto her delicate looking nose. Her ice blue eyes watched his every move as he sat up.

"Me? Why me?" He asked, the woman looked over the small clipboard on John's door.

"Because you're not like them. Wait till they find out you're a cop and that's kinda against the law." She put the clipboard down after writing down his vitals. "However...that's not why I'm here. I am your physical therapist. We're going to start you on some walking today." She held out a small purple card with silver wispy lettering that said 'Dr. Ines Holiday' He handed it back, he didn't have any pockets to put it in...oh his wallet...where was that? He would need his driver's license at least.

A soft cry came from the small cot by the door. Holiday walked over and looked inside and giggled.

"Oh look at you. You're so adorable." She slowly reached in and collected the small bundle before walking over to John. John's expression seemed so apprehensive for a moment until he realized she was only picking Penny up to hand to him. He forgot he was supposed to be an invalid. None of the nurses knew he had been walking around the room for a fortnight.

John held his niece in his arms and looked into those ocean blue eyes of hers. It reminded him so much of her mother, but her hair looked just like her fathers. A perfect mix of the two.

"So, what did you name her?" Ah yes of course, proper introductions were a good thing.

"Apologies, I am Inspector Gadget, and this is my niece Penny." He told the woman who smiled and held out her hand. John had to apologize as the only free arm he had was the wrong arm to shake. Holiday luckily seemed to understand.

"It's a pleasure to formally meet you both." She pulled out a few items on the drawers and placed them within arms reach for him as he slowly stood up and started to change the infant.

"John?" The woman obviously didn't call him by his chosen name.

"Gadget if you please." He corrected her. She smiled as she watched him standing. While his back was turned, however her smile disappeared.

"Sorry...Gadget. How long have you been...standing up?" busted...his desire to take care of Penny busted his bubble. Why was he hiding the fact that he could walk? He wasn't so sure about this gadget business.

"Been walking for almost two weeks...I can't depend on the nurses forever to help me take care of Penny." He picked up the now cleaned infant and picked up the bottle. He gingerly reached over tapping Penny's nose making a kissing noise.

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