chapter 5: Love

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I'll Remember

Chapter 5


~Wait...where was he?

John looked up over the room. It was brightly colored and there was loud music being played. Dancing and there was someone singing. He watched from a table as his sister danced with her husband. Her soft blue dress drifted down her like milk over cereal. The baby bump was rather large and people would often ask her all that night. 'How far?' she would smile her best. 'Whenever she wants to.' it was a wonder how she was moving around so fluidly on the dance floor.

John listened as the lively music ended and the dance floor's occupants stopped and turned to the singer cheering.

"Come on about it huh? Me and you?" Johns sister Mary asked him. There was a huge smile on her face and the soft beads of sweat along her brow told him she had been dancing hard.

"Oh Mary, I don't think I could keep up. You're just so good at it." John and Mary had been inseparable since birth. Being twins that's what happened he supposed.

Mary poked out her bottom lip and John melted.

"Alright, but I'm not dancing with you." He pointed to the swollen belly. "I'm dancing with her." Mary burst out laughing as she ran her fingers over the bump with a soft 'yay'.

" that we have that squared away. I do ask that your delightful husband go get you an iced tea as you've been dancing so much." To John he was talking way too polite for it to actually be him. This was totally a dream.

"I can do so, as long as you keep an eye on her." What was his name again? John couldn't remember, and when he looked the guy in the face he couldn't remember it either.

John turned as he heard his sister call his name. She was standing there in the same dress, but it was bloody, her face was as he had seen it that dreadful night. Her mouth opened to tell him something but all that came out was that horrible alarm clock noise.

John jumped up and looked around. The sun was slightly peeking up over the trees in the tiny backyard beyond the sliding glass door. The grass would need cutting and it could do with some nice flowers. Something that he and Penny could do come spring time.

"Come on, Princess. Time to get up and ready. You have an appointment." he yawned and flicked the button on the kettle. He didn't have the money for a coffee machine so instant would have to do. Oh how he wished he could have saved the rest of the stuff from his apartment. He was pretty sure all his uniforms were thrown out too.

He sighed as he turned on the sink in the bathroom. "Alright let's brush our teeth...or in your case tooth." He held up the small tooth brush and started to brush her gums and the one tooth.

There was a knock on the door and it opened.

"Gadget!" the delightful voice of Mrs. Quimby called out but didn't enter. "Good morning." John exited the bathroom with Penny over his arms covered in a towel.

"Good Morning." John called back, rubbing the towel over Penny's soft yellow hair.

"Oh lookit you, has your uncle given you a nice warm bath." She gathered up the infant in her arms, freeing up John's arms so he could finish up in the bathroom himself. Mrs. Quimby had offered to take them into town to go to the pediatricians.

"I see you've gotten a tooth there huh?" She said watching the young girl as she chewed on her fingers. The woman collected one of the small sets of Penny's warm clothing and began to dress her. There wasn't anything short of furniture in the room. They had slept on a small futon on the floor.

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