Chapter 9: Can't Drive

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I'll Remember

Chapter 9

Can't Drive

Ren wasn't sure why she agreed to this. Ever since the accident she hadn't been able to get behind the wheel so her car had been sitting in the garage since. She tried her best to get back behind the wheel but it would seem that her brain had different plans. She would start to shake and shiver. It often resulted in her sitting in the garden with a paper bag.

Which is how she got into the situation she was in...with a man that didn't even know how to drive. Or at least he swore he could but then she remembered as they left the wooded sanctuary of her home to the busy streets.

He couldn't remember anything.

"What the fuuuuuu!" They took a sharp corner nearly missing a fruit stand, fruit scattered all over the black top. After the first few minutes of driving she felt like she was going to throw up.

"What are we gonna do about Quimby?" Ren asked, trying to get her mind off the sick feeling.

"What about him?" He was a close friend.

"You don't think he's just going to let us question one of his officers do you?" She asked. She was really scared of th...John looked at her arm a bit more. She wasn't rubbing her arm, she was messing with it.

"Is there something wrong with your arm?" he asked. She stopped immediately and put her hand back in her lap. He noticed the pink to her cheeks. She was embarrassed?

"I hit a tree, then another. I lost a leg, an arm, six ribs, and the right side of my head." She swallowed hard. "You weren't the only one in the gadget program were just the only one that was so far gone you were already on the other side." She knocked on her knee. It made a solid sound. She lightly pulled it up to show him the seam. "I don't have gadgets like you. I have a tool box...just something I can bring out into the field when you need me today. If I didn't have would have died." She held up her arm to show the many tools along her fingers.

"So you're saying I should thank you for saving my life?" John asked Ren who shook her head as she ran her fingers over her pant leg where the seam to her leg ended and the false leg began.

"No, I'd never ask for thanks. If anything, I just didn't want Penny to be alone. I know what that feels like, and I'd never wish it on a little girl." Ren told him. John looked up at her as she sighed. They pulled up along the side of the precinct.

"Come on...let's get in there and question the perp." John told her that would get her mind off things.

"Yeah but how are we going to get..." John opened the doors and walked into the building.

"You, here, now." John pointed at the suspect. "I need your help with something." Ren watched the man in question walk into the back room where they had booths they questioned people in.

"Doctor, what's he doing?" Quimby asked, looking in at John who closed the door behind him just as the suspect seemed to think something was off and ran toward the door.

"That's the mole." Ren said in a whisper. The Claw case was pretty hush hush according to most.

"I see and..." there was a loud scream from inside the soundproof room. Most of the officers stood up hearing the sound of one of their own comrades.

"Gadget!" Quimby grabbed the door handle and pulled. It is locked from the outside, not the inside. Gadget stood over the man who looked horrified and white faced up at the cyborg. There was a steaming hole in the floor next to his hand.

"Now you will either tell me where they are, or I'll shoot your hand off, then your arm, then your other get me?" He leaned down looking over the man's face as he slowly nodded his head.

"Yeah, yeah okay. I get it. Um..." the guy slowly stood up shaking as he walked over to the table again and pointed to the map. His finger was shaking so hard they could barely figure out where he was pointing.

"Why there?" Ren whispered looking up at Quimby. His eyes grew wide knowing just what that place was.

"What...what is it?" John asked, looking down at the map. It left no clue save for the street name.

"'s a toy family's toy store and apartment. The one that we had abandoned when my parents died 10 years ago. It's how I met the Quimby's and got my job as a mechanic for them. Then I met my mentor, Dr. Slickstein."

"How did your parents die?" John suspected something, and he didn't want to voice anything until he was certain.

"House fire, arsene was suspected but never proven." Ren told him. John tapped his chin and glared at the car that pulled up alongside them.

"Just as I suspected..."

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