Chapter 4: Home?

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I'll Remember

Chapter 4


"You sure about this John? You can take all the time you need." Quimby asked, looking at the cyborg as he loaded some things into the Taxi. He apparently lost the apartment he had been staying in as he hadn't been paying the rent in quite some time. That and someone let slip that he had died. Oops...

"Of course, we can't stay here forever, sir. You let us stay at one of the department's safe houses till we get back on our feet...well not her, she can't walk yet." He patted Penny's back. She was getting more curious. Watching everything from the safety of her Uncle's arms. A purple blanket with tiny elephants across it. Something that Mrs. Quimby gifted to her as well as some good warm clothing. He had been at the hospital for six months now. On the department's bill too luckily.

Climbing into the back of the taxi placing Penny into yet another gift. A carseat. Having a post baby shower was such a good idea. It helped out with a lot of stuff that Penny needed that currently Gadget just couldn't afford. Being out of work for so long.

"Hey Gadget, don't forget to go visit Dr. Ren Anthem. She's going to be your mechanic. She works with the one who designed that stuff." The chief told him. Gadget chuckled and nodded. Not much he could do about it, he would need to make sure he could operate properly. Last thing he wanted was to mess up and Penny be hurt.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

"617 Cherry Tree Ln if you please sir." His arms and legs still hurt but he had been secretly practicing in the stay room. Just small things at first. What else could he do? He was in a hospital room. He didn't dare pick up anything heavier than Penny in these horrible arms.

He already felt like a monster, he wondered how bad Penny's thoughts of him would grow as time went on.

He was a monster, barely much of her uncle left save for the junk they put into him. He wasn't even sure how much of himself was human anymore. No one ever told him. Maybe he should sit down and actually thumb through the manual. Right now it was nothing more than a paper weight for all the medical files he had been given.

His eyes weaved over the many huge buildings, stores, large apartments, and roadways until they finally made way for the smaller homes, stores, and the small school.

John climbed out of the car, car seat in hand. Penny sat there making bubbles with her spit. John chuckled as he paid the taxi driver. He stuck whatever money he had left in his pocket. It wasn't much, just whatever the chief could loan him till he himself could get to the bank.

"Well my beauty, this will be where we live for the moment. Soon we'll get a nice house for us to share." He pulled out the key. There were two keys front and back door and they clinked together quite lovely. At least that's what Penny thought.

The house was small and only had one room. Once he opened the door he could see that the floorplan was just as simple if not small. A small desk in the corner, some cabinets above, a small floor to ceiling cabinet where he put his coat.

"It's still small, but for the both of us it'll be okay." He told his niece who sat down on the floor watching the snowfall just outside the sliding doors in the living room area. "Not much of an area for a first christmas tree though. Maybe a small one on the desk huh?" He tickled her feet as she rolled back and threw her feet in the air giggling.

John walked out of the apartment to retrieve their blankets, pillows, and a bag of clothing. He didn't even have a suitcase to put things in.

"Come on cabbage patch kid. Let's go to the grocery store. We don't have anything." He picked up her diaper bag, and put her into her stroller. Pulling the wrap around her before setting off into the light winter breeze.

Finally dropping by the ATM and procuring some money he walked into the grocery store. It was a little busy with how the holidays are. Thanksgiving was coming and he had forgotten all about it.

"Now I am no chef, but I think I can manage some chicken, potatoes, and corn for me and you can have..." he held up a can of baby food. "It's not much, but it's what you can have at your age." It was a small can of applesauce. It wouldn't be her first solid food. He had started her on baby cereal at 4 months old.

"Oh well lookit who it is." John turned a little to see Dr. Holiday, coming up behind him. Her cart was full of Thanksgiving preparings.

"Oh good afternoon Doctor." He used Penny's hand to wave at her.

"Oh wow, she's gotten so big already!" Holiday said as she waved back to Penny. "You must be feeding her quite well." John smiled and nodded.

"We'll have to go to the doctors tomorrow to get her all signed in. We'll finally get to meet the doctor."

"Yeah Doc Clign is a good person. He's been around since I was a kid." Holiday said as she picked up some salt and put it into her cart.

"So you know him pretty well. Is he any good?" His small basket over his arm was getting full. The last thing he needed on the list was a can of formula.

"Oh...since you're new to the area, how about you come over and have Thanksgiving at my place? It'll be a lot cheaper for you, and honestly I have no one else to celebrate with. It'll be good for us both."

"Oh that sounds like fun. So we'll see you after my appointment with my mechanic." He said with the biggest smile. He had a friend, this was perfect.

"Great! I'll try not to burn the house down." She joked. John chuckled as he waved at her as she left.

Dr. Holiday pulled her cell phone from her pocket and spoke into it.

"The trap has been set...this friday...I'll have little Ms. Penny, and Gadget will be history."

A sinister laugh could be heard over the line. So much so that a woman beside Holiday looked at her fearfully as she passed.

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