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⚠️TW⚠️: mentions on self-harm, anorexia, SA

im going to try to keep these long chapters and post everyday so i hope you guys stay tuned 

nick Pov:

its graduation day and I'm crying in my room i get myself up as my mom makes it very clear to me not to miss this day i can't stand the thought of graduating with Charlie still mad at me i have to make it up to him somehow before the ceremony he's upset i set him off because he passed out in my arms last week I'm not mad at him for that obviously but he had clearly not eaten in days this scared me but i brushed it off until yesterday when i caught on for the past week he had been wearing long sleeves in 90 degree weather and on the occasion he wasn't he always had a big bracelet on always clutching his arms i got so protective in worried yesterday i went up to him and tried to ask him how he was feeling and he responded with his snappy "IM FINE" something got into me and I...I grabbed him and snatched the bracelet off his wrist Tao and Issac were there with me we all saw the cuts on his arms my eyes welled I didn't think Charlie would do that again I was so worried for him I cared for him too much i must have done something wrong to make him feel he has to resort to that Tao and Issac had their own words to say to Charlie but he was ignoring all of us I don't know why but I think it is because he's mad I invaded his space he's mad at me for assuming but I didn't assume I knew and well I was right and here I am now crying my eyes out hoping Charlie will forgive me and I can help him with his anorexia and self-harm issues I'm just worried for him to get dressed and I get off to school I see harry laughing at me as usual and ben glaring at me I have a not so good feeling he has something to do with this i got into school and find Charlie he tries to walk away but I pull him close

N: "Please char I love you can we please just talk"

 I say despretly charlie stops at the sudden "I love you" and he pulls me into a closet 

Charlies POV: I honestly don't know why I'm mad at Nick he only cares for me but I was scared Ben would hurt me if I talked to him after That is the thing I haven't told him and I'm still scared to the only reason iv been cutting myself is because ben is so unable to control himself over the past week he has been pulling me aside and forcefully kissing me and sexually abusing me I do not want anything to do with it but i can't do anything about it he hits me tells me if I tell anyone he will hurt me bloody bad i can't afford to have that happen i don't wanna tell nick what would he think ben has me so trapped I cut myself because I'm mad i let this happen to myself but i have to tell nick 

C:"Nick I'm sorry I'm so sorry let me explain" 

I explain my whole situation in depth he kisses me after he holds my wrists i can tell hes very worried I feel bad I put him in this position. 

C: "i love you too"

 I say he smiles but then goes back to being serious again.

 N: "Ben did this to you," he says

 C: "Yeah"
he turns very angry clenches his fists and runs out i can hear him muffle under his breath

N: "that bitch ben" 

I'm waiting in the closet hoping he will come back soon he eventually does with a bloody nose and a couple of bruises 

 C: NICK what did you do to him 



N: ok he's maybe knocked out on the football field 

C: bad nick 

I say poking him what i don't tell him is that i think that that's incredibly hot

Nick kisses me and starts moving down to my neck I giggle this will be fun 

(a couple of hours later) 

still charlies POV btw 

I'm in the bathroom with Tao when I see it 


tao sees it too 

T: dude you guys got to settle down that's the biggest fucking hickey iv ever seen here iv gotta turtle neck on you wanna switch 

C: no actually I think it's okay I can show off my super hot boyfriend that way plus I think nicks has a matching on 

I laugh

T: god you guys are annoying 

were at the ceremony watching everyone graduate soon it was mine  and nicks turn then tao then Issac and a couple of other people we know after the ceremony we went to get Sundays and shakes we all talked and were finally free I can't wait for me and nicks future

that's it for today i will probably post later tonight if i have some motivation but definitely tomorrow also you can expect some unrealistic stuff in future chapters in my lore

guys can get pregnant if they choose to take a pill that enables them to and guys can also legally get married (don't know if that's illegal or legal I'm in America I'm not really sure)


❤️✨Narlie ✨ ❤️(love story and future after truham high)Where stories live. Discover now